Angular starter for enterprise-grade front-end projects, built under a clean architecture
that helps to scale and maintain a fast workflow.
Contributing Guidelines
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- Strict mode.
- Lazy loading.
- Smart and pure components pattern.
- SCAM pattern.
- Self-contained components and encapsulated modules.
- Components types (e.g. component, page).
- Amazing directory structure.
- Dynamic titles and content meta tags.
- TailwindCSS.
- Dark mode and theme configuration.
- Scalable CSS architecture in favor of TailwindCSS layers.
- Lighthouse reports improved.
- ESLint.
- Run unit tests & lint code using Husky & validate commit messages using commitlint
- General
- home
- not-found
- Auth
- sign-in
- sign-up
- forgot-password
- forgot-password-email-sent
- password-reset
- password-reset-succeeded
- password-reset-failed
- Settings
- account
- appearance
- billing
- blocked-Users
- notifications
- security
- security-log
- User
- my-profile
- overview
- Features
- dashboard
- footer
- header
- layout
- AuthService
- SeoService
- ThemeService
- click-outside: detects when the user clicks outside an element.
- bytes: transforms a numeric value into bytes, KB, MB, GB, etc.
Change pages routes:
Go to
to find all the registered routes inside a config object.For example, you could replace
Change your TailwindCSS configuration:
You can find the config file in the project root, then you can refer to to learn how to make your own adjustments.
Set a default theme (First time load)
Go to
and change the following line of codefrom operating system preference
export const DEFAULT_BASE_THEME = ThemeList.System;
to light mode
export const DEFAULT_BASE_THEME = ThemeList.Light;
or dark mode
export const DEFAULT_BASE_THEME = ThemeList.Dark;
│ ├───@core
│ │ ├───directives
│ │ │ └───click-outside
│ │ ├───guards
│ │ ├───interceptors
│ │ ├───pipes
│ │ │ └───bytes
│ │ ├───services
│ │ │ ├───seo
│ │ │ └───theme
│ │ └───utils
│ ├───@shell
│ │ ├───ft
│ │ └───ui (layout components)
│ │ ├───footer
│ │ ├───header
│ │ ├───layout
│ │ └───not-found
│ ├───components (generic shared components)
│ └───pages
│ ├───auth
│ │ ├───pages
│ │ │ ├───forgot-password
│ │ │ ├───forgot-password-email-sent
│ │ │ ├───password-reset
│ │ │ ├───password-reset-failed
│ │ │ ├───password-reset-succeeded
│ │ │ ├───sign-in
│ │ │ └───sign-up
│ │ └───services
│ ├───dashboard
│ ├───home
│ ├───settings
│ │ └───pages
│ │ ├───account
│ │ ├───appearance
│ │ ├───billing
│ │ ├───blocked-users
│ │ ├───notifications
│ │ ├───security
│ │ └───security-log
│ └───user
│ └───pages
│ ├───my-profile
│ └───overview
Command | Description | NPM | Yarn | Pnpm | Background command |
ng | See available commands | npm run ng | yarn ng | pnpm ng | ng |
start | Run your app in development mode | npm start | yarn start | pnpm start | ng serve |
build | Build your app for production | npm run build | yarn build | pnpm build | ng build |
watch | Run build when files change. | npm run watch | yarn watch | pnpm watch | ng build --watch --configuration development |
test | Run your unit tests | npm run test | yarn test | pnpm test | ng test |
lint | Use ESLint to lint your app | npm run lint | yarn lint | pnpm lint | ng lint |