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EinBurgbauer edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 14 revisions


Log is an easy way to print things out or record them.

Output options

By default, when DEBUG is defined, Log.PrintToConsole is true and Log.SaveOnError is false. These defaults are flipped otherwise. These may be set at runtime.

The assumption here is, that when you are making your game, you'll probably build is as a "Console Application" ([Your Project] right click > Properties.. > General/Project > TargetType) and when you are building for release, the TargetType will be "GUI Application" (meaning no additional console window will open).

When Log.SaveOnError is true, the log will be prepended to a file "log.txt" in the Core.System.UserPath directory. The log calls made before this [and after the last error call] and the most recent error call up to a maximum of 16 (can be expanded to 128, see (Preprocessor defines)[LINK TO PREPROCESSOR HERE]) lines total will be saved. This file might be useful for user bug reports.

You can also force-save the log record to a path of your choosing yourself using Log.SaveToFile(String path). This behaves just like what Log.SaveOnError does.


There are four types of logging calls, Log.Debug, Log.Message, Log.Warning and Log.Error. Each function takes in either a String or an ´Object´ to log.

Log.Debug calles are automatically ignored when not building for DEBUG.

You may choose to ignore calls to Log.Message and Log.Warning respectively. See (Preprocessor defines)[LINK TO PREPROCESSOR HERE].


If you want to receive log messages as well, you can do so by using the Log.OnLine event.

Preprocessor defines

PILE_LONG_LOG_RECORD increases amount of output log lines Log remembers from 16 to 128 PILE_DISABLE_LOG_MESSAGES adds [SkipCall] attribute to Log.Message functions PILE_DISABLE_LOG_WARNINGS adds [SkipCall] attribute to Log.Warning functions PILE_DISABLE_PACKAGER removes package building functionality from EntryPoint

This list is maintained in "Core/". This is a copy.