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File metadata and controls

53 lines (26 loc) · 2.31 KB


Custom made classes by EggysGames that can help beginners learn Unity and Game Development. Will constantly add to this and improve it as time goes on.

=== Cursor ===

2 Simple ways of changing the cursor in Unity. You can manually change the default file, or you can use a sprite to follow the mouse.

=== DestroyFadeOutAdvanced ===

Unity never had a simple way of doing fade outs for different based materials, you need to change the type of material you target each time. So this class can be dragged and dropped and simply click the material type you are using and it will be able to fade it out. This is useful when an enemy dies or a item needs to fade slowly.

=== DestroyFadeOutBasic ===

If you are only using basic objects just use this one for fades. Set your desired timer in inspector with "deathremovetimer" and it will fade after that.

=== Distance and Moveto ===

Will calculate distance between 2 objects and then move towards it. Use distance check if you want different behaviours at different distances.

=== DontDestroy ===

This will keep a prefab in the Hierachy when changing scenes. Useful for music, API's, ads or any other consistent objects. Use with caution.

=== Line Renderer ===

Used for manually drawing lines on screen. Good for using with shooting if you make it blink fast, or laser scopes. Combine it with raycasts for accurate line collision.

=== MousePositionAndFollow ===

in 2D the mouse needs to be able to find out where the cursor is, this calculates in world view where the mouse should be so that it shows correctly in 2D games.

=== MovementTypes ===

Simply a breakdown of movement types for use in Unity. Ignore physics or use physics can be a big difference.

=== PlayerPlatformer ===

A fully working 2D platformer code

=== RandomSpawn ===

Drag this class onto anything. Then drag an object you want to spawn into the inspector. This will spawn it randomly in this location between the x values.

=== Saving ===

How to save unity games data to the users local. You can set any variable and then load the same variable. Used for saving games data.

=== Sound ===

The various ways to interact with Unitys sound. Use it for playing sound effects and music and controlling how they output.