version: 1.0.0
Sample application. Only the minimal is implemented!
- Major bugs
- No error handling
- No universal token for API
This project has CORS errors. It is not researched enough and shortcuts has been made. Running browser with disabled web security. Not to be recomended, but it works.
windows: Run the cmd in the "windows Run" tool
C:\Users\ USERNAME \AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="c:/chromedev"
IOS & Lunix: Unknown.
This project is based on the Kolonial API. The idea is to search for recipies, add it's ingredients to a shopping list, "go shopping" and then add the ingredients to the "fridge"(to be renamed).
Recipies should be prioritized by the number of ingredients in the fridge.
- Better ui design
- Smarter use of API
- Local storage
- Convert into a PWA
- Better coding in general :)
npm install
npm start
create KolonialToken.js in ../Feedme (parent) folder with:
const token = 'abckdsnflksdnflads,vhasdlkfubasdjbfsdf' <== your token given to you by Kolonial
export default token