Easy_dna is a Python library implementing useful routines for manipulating DNA sequences, either as "ATGC" strings or Biopython records. It aims at providing a simpler interface than Biopython for common operations related to DNA sequence design and genbank generation.
Easy_dna was originally created to gather useful methods repeatedly used in the different software projects of the Edinburgh Genome Foundry for DNA design and manufacturing.
See the API reference here.
You can install easy_dna through PIP:
pip install easy_dna
Alternatively, you can unzip the sources in a folder and type:
python setup.py install
Easy_dna is an open-source software originally written at the Edinburgh Genome Foundry by Zulko and released on Github under the MIT licence (Copyright 2019 Edinburgh Genome Foundry). Everyone is welcome to contribute!

Easy_dna is part of the EGF Codons synthetic biology software suite for DNA design, manufacturing and validation.