Edelstein.Tools.ServerPatcher is a web and command-line tool to patch .apk of Love Live SIF2.
It can patch server URIs for both JP and GL versions of the game.
Signing is not done automatically, you need to do it yourself using uber-apk-signer or apksigner.
Trailing slash is handled automatically.
Web version is available on https://arasfon.ru/sif2/patcher.
All manipulations happen entirely in-browser; no data is sent to the server.
CLI version of the program requires the .NET 8.0 runtime to run.
Download respective latest release executable for your OS and architecture.
./Edelstein.Tools.ServerPatcher [options]
-r, --region <Global|Jp>
Game region [default:Jp
]-a, --api-url <api-url>
API URL [default:http://localhost:35373/
]-c, --assets-url <assets-url>
Assets URL [default:http://localhost:35373/
]-h, --header-format <Canonical|Lowercase|Original>
Header format (ew uses Lowercase, Edelstein uses Original) [default:Original
]-i, --input-file <input-file>
Custom .apk file path []-o, --output-file <output-file>
Output .apk file path [default:sif2_patched.apk
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