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esl_getopts : command line parsing

The getopts module interprets UNIX command line syntax. It allows both standard POSIX one-character options and GNU-style long options, in addition to command line arguments. The implementation shares similarities with POSIX getopt() and GNU's getopt_long(). It has additional abilities, at the cost of enforcing a specific style.

In addition to setting options from the command line, options may also be configured so they can be set by environment variables, or by one or more configuration files.

Option arguments can be automatically checked for valid type (integers, real numbers, characters, or strings). Numeric arguments can also be checked for valid range (for instance, ensuring that a probability is in the range $0 \leq x \leq 1$).

Options can be linked into "toggle groups", such that setting one option automatically unsets others.

You can specify that an option isn't legal unless other required options are also set, or conversely that an option is incompatible with one or more other options.

A standardized usage/help display for command line options can be printed directly from the internal information, including default values and range restrictions when line length allows.

This is all configured by defining an array of ESL_OPTIONS structures that provide the necessary information. This array is turned into a ESL_GETOPTS object, which is used to determine and store the configuration state of your application according to the command line, environment variables, and configuration files.

The ESL_GETOPTS object can be queried directly when your program executes configuration-dependent steps. There is often no need to store configuration information in other variables in your program. This simplifies code structure, by allowing you to pass the complete configuration state of your application in one capsule to functions other than main(). This is especially useful in applications where main() is a dispatch wrapper, such as the masters and workers in a parallelized MPI program, for example.

The module implements a ESL_GETOPTS object that holds the configuration state of the application, and an ESL_OPTIONS structure that contains information about one configurable option. An application defines an array of ESL_OPTIONS to declare what options it will allow.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "easel.h"
#include "esl_getopts.h"

static ESL_OPTIONS options[] = {
  /* name        type          def   env  range toggles reqs incomp help                       docgroup*/
  { "-h",     eslARG_NONE,    FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "show help and usage",       0},
  { "-a",     eslARG_NONE,    FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "a boolean switch",          0},
  { "-b",     eslARG_NONE,"default", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "another boolean switch",    0},
  { "-n",     eslARG_INT,       "0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "an integer argument",       0},
  { "-s",     eslARG_STRING,  "hi!", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "a string argument",         0},
  { "-x",     eslARG_REAL,    "1.0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "a real-valued argument",    0},
  { "--file", eslARG_STRING,   NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "long option, filename arg", 0},
  { "--char", eslARG_CHAR,       "", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "long option, char arg",     0},
  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 
static char usage[] = "Usage: ./example [-options] <arg>";

main(int argc, char **argv)
  char        *arg;

  if ((go = esl_getopts_Create(options))     == NULL)  esl_fatal("Bad options structure\n");  
  if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK) esl_fatal("Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);
  if (esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go)               != eslOK) esl_fatal("Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf);

  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h") == TRUE) {
    printf("%s\n  where options are:", usage);
    esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 0, 2, 80); /* 0=all docgroups; 2=indentation; 80=width */
    return 0;

  if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go) != 1) esl_fatal("Incorrect number of command line arguments.\n%s\n", usage);
  arg = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);

  printf("Option -a:      %s\n", esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-a") ? "on" : "off");
  printf("Option -b:      %s\n", esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-b") ? "on" : "off");
  printf("Option -n:      %d\n", esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-n"));
  printf("Option -s:      %s\n", esl_opt_GetString( go, "-s"));
  printf("Option -x:      %f\n", esl_opt_GetReal(   go, "-x"));
  if (esl_opt_IsUsed(go, "--file")) printf("Option --file:  %s\n", esl_opt_GetString(go, "--file"));
  else                              printf("Option --file:  (not set)\n");
  printf("Option --char:  %c\n", esl_opt_GetChar(go, "--char"));
  printf("Cmdline arg:    %s\n", arg);

  return 0;

The code above shows an example of using five short options (including help) and two long options, without any of getopts' optional validation or configuration mechanisms (hence all the NULL in the env through incomp fields of the ESL_OPTIONS array). The steps are:

  • The application defines an array of ESL_OPTIONS structures, one per option. Name, type, and default value fields are required. The other fields are optional (though the help string shouldn't be left NULL unless you're being lazy). The array is terminated by an entry of all 0's.

  • An application typically defines a helpful "usage" string, which it prints out as part of help messages or error messages. The getopts module doesn't need this, though, so you're free to format your messages however you like.

  • A ESL_GETOPTS object is created, using the options array. At this point, all options are initialized to default values inside the object.

  • The application now processes option settings from the command line, environment variables, and one or more configuration files. The application can do this in any precedence order it chooses. In the example, only the command line is processed.

  • The call to esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go) validates the configuration, before you attempt to retrieve any information from it.

  • Many of my applications (including Easel applications) typically look for a -h option immediately, to print a short help page. This isn't required by getopts.

  • The application will typically retrieve, validate, and store its non-optional command line arguments in order and one at a time using esl_opt_GetArg() calls early in the program.

  • The application may then go off and do its thing, using _Get*() calls (and _IsUsed() and _IsDefault() calls) to retrieve option information when needed.

  • On exit, the ESL\_GETOPTS object is destroyed (free'd). This object is the only place where memory is allocated. Any string retrieved as an option or argument, for example, is only a pointer to internal memory maintained by the object. This makes it dangerous to free the object until you know you're not accessing any pointers it's returned to you, unless you've made copies.

An example of running this program:

   % ./getopts_example -ax 0.3 -n 42 --file foo --char x baz
  Option -a:      on
  Option -b:      on
  Option -n:      42
  Option -s:      hi!
  Option -x:      0.300000
  Option --file:  foo
  Option --char:  x
  Cmdline arg:    baz

Note that because we set the default value of -b to TRUE in this example, it is always on whether we use the -b option or not.

defining options in ESL_OPTIONS

Since you define your options in a static array of ESL_OPTIONS structures, you need to know what an ESL_OPTIONS structure contains. The ESL_OPTIONS structure is declared in getopts.h as:

typedef struct {
  char *name;           /* either short "-a" or long "--foo" style               */
  int   type;           /* arg type, for type checking: (eslARG_INT, etc.)       */
  char *defval;         /* default setting, or NULL ("default" is a C keyword)   */
  char *envvar;         /* associated environ var ("BLASTDB"), or NULL           */
  char *range;          /* for range checking arg: ("0<=x<=1", etc.)             */
  char *toggle_opts;    /* comma-sep'd optlist: turn these off if this opt is on */
  char *required_opts;  /* comma-sep'd optlist: these must also be set           */
  char *incompat_opts;  /* comma-sep'd optlist: these must not be set            */
  char *help;           /* help/usage string                                     */
  int   docgrouptag;    /* integer tag for documentation groups                  */

Each of these fields in the options array is described in detail below:

option name

All options must start with -. Options that start with one - are short options. Options that start with -- are long options.

Short option names must be a single alphanumeric character: -n or -1, for example. Short options can be concatenated on the command line: -abc is the same as -a -b -c.

Long option names should contain only alphanumeric characters, -, or _: --foo or --foo-tastic, for example. They must not contain space, tab, newline, =, or , characters, because these will definitely confuse the option argument parsers. Other characters might happen to work, but nonetheless should not be used.

Long options can be abbreviated (unambiguously) on the command line: if --foobar is an option, --f works too, so long as no other long option starts with the same prefix --f.

You should avoid using option names that look like negative numbers if any of your other options would accept that value as a valid argument, so that Easel can robustly detect when a user forgets an option argument on the command line. For example, if -n takes an integer argument and -1 is an option, and a user types -n -1 on a commandline, the -1 will be parsed as -n's option, even if the user meant the -1 as an option and had forgotten to add an argument for -n.

type checking

Seven argument types are recognized:

flag description arg abbrv type checking
eslARG_NONE Boolean switch (on/off) n/a n/a
eslARG_INT integer <n> convertible by atoi()
eslARG_REAL float or double <x> convertible by atof()
eslARG_CHAR one character <c> single ASCII char
eslARG_STRING any string <s> not checked
eslARG_INFILE an input filename <f> not checked
eslARG_OUTFILE an output filename <f> not checked

All arguments are declared, configured, and stored internally as strings in a ESL_GETOPTS object. For arguments that are declared to be of types eslARG_INT, eslARG_REAL, or eslARG_CHAR, the string is checked to be sure it can be completely converted to the declared type.

Strings are of type eslARG_STRING, and since any string is valid (including a NULL pointer), this type is not checked. An application can also declare an argument to be of type eslARG_STRING if for some reason it wants to bypass type checking. The application would recover the option argument with esl_opt_GetString() and then deal with any type conversion itself.

Input and output filenames can be declared as eslARG_INFILE and eslARG_OUTFILE, respectively. Currently both are unchecked types that are treated the same as a eslARG_STRING, except that their arguments are indicated as <f> instead of <s> in help output. In the future, it might be useful to automatically check that input files exist and can be read, and that output files can be written.

default values

Since the ESL_GETOPTS object stores all values internally as strings, default settings in the options array are also all provided as strings.

For any type of option, NULL, FALSE, or 0 are all interpreted as the option being unset (OFF). Any non-NULL string value is interpreted as the option being set (ON).

For boolean defaults, any non-NULL string is interpreted as TRUE, and the option is ON. For a boolean option that is ON by default, the only place where the string value matters is in formatting option help, where this string will be displayed as the default setting. Therefore, strings like "default", "on", or "true" would be typical, to make the help string look right.

Note that the syntax here is a little weird. The quotes around "true" and the absence of quotes around FALSE are important. FALSE, NULL, and 0 are all identical in the internal representation (they evaluate to a null pointer).

Integer, real-valued, and character arguments must be provided as strings: "42" not 42, "1.0" not 1.0, and "x" not 'x'. String arguments can be set to any string.

Sometimes it's natural to define your default parameter values as macros; for example #define eslFOO_DEFAULT 42. The problem is that your macro value is a number, but getopts needs a string constant. To use eslFOO_DEFAULT in an ESL_OPTIONS array, use ESL_STR(eslFOO_DEFAULT). The ESL_STR() macro uses a C preprocessor trick that evaluates to a string constant containing the value of the macro constant. The ESL_STR() trick only works for integer- and real-valued option arguments, not for booleans; we don't currently have a good way to define boolean defaults with macros that get automatically used in the OPTIONS array.

Sometimes you want to have an option that is off by default, but can be optionally set to a value. That is, you may want to combine a boolean switch and a integer-, real-, char-, or string-valued option. To do this, make the default value NULL, which means "unset", and when your code checks for the value of such an option, first use esl_opt_IsOn() to check if it's been set, and if so, esl_opt_Get*() the value.

There is no way to turn a boolean option off by a command line option, environment variable, or configuration file if its default setting is ON. Booleans (and strings, for that matter) can only be turned on when their option is selected. Booleans can be set to off by default, or toggled off indirectly by another option is turned on (see the section on toggle groups further below). If you need to turn a boolean off, say -b, you can provide a counteroption (--no-b), and toggle-tie them together (see below).

connecting an option to an environment variable

When an option is connected to an environment variable, setting the environment variable has the same result as setting the option on the command line.

To check and process environment variables, your application needs to call esl_opt_ProcessEnvironment().

Boolean options are set by setting the environment variable with any argument, for instance (in a bash shell),

  % export FOO_DEBUGGING=1

and other options are set by setting the environment variable to the appropriate argument, for instance (in a bash shell),

  % export FOO_DEBUG_LEVEL=5

For example, if we connected the option name --debug to environment variable "FOO_DEBUGGING" and option --debuglevel to environment variable "FOO_DEBUG_LEVEL" in an application myapp, then

  % myapp --debug --debuglevel 5

is the same as

  % export FOO_DEBUGGING=1
  % export FOO_DEBUG_LEVEL=5
  % myapp 

An advantage of using environment variables is that if you want to configure some optional behavior more or less permanently, you can save yourself a lot of command line typing by setting that configuration in the environment (in your .cshrc or .bashrc, for example).

automatic range checking

If a non-NULL range is provided, a configured argument (including the specified default setting) will be checked to be sure it satisfies a lower bound, upper bound, or both. Range checking only applies to integer, real, and char arguments. Boolean and string arguments should set their range fields to NULL.

In a range string, a character n, x, or c is used to represent an integer, real, or char argument, respectively. Bounds may either be exclusive ($&lt;$ or $&gt;$) or inclusive ($&gt;=$ or $&lt;=$). Examples of range strings specifying lower bounds are "n>=0", "x>1.0", and "c>=A". Examples of range strings specifying upper bounds are "n<0", "x<=100.0", and "c<=Z". Examples of range strings specifying both lower and upper bounds are "0<n<=100", "0<=x<=1", and "a<=c<=z".

Char ranges are determined using ASCII coding.

Range checking occurs before any option is set.

setting toggle groups of options

If a non-NULL string toggle_opts of "toggle-tied" options is set for option X, this is a comma-delimited list of options that are turned off when option X is turned on. This allows the application to define a group of options for which only one may be on. The application would set an appropriate one to be on by default, and the others to be off by default.

For example, if you configure an option -a to have a toggle_opts of "-b,-c", then whenever -a is turned on, both -b and -c are automatically turned off.

But this only defines the behavior when -a is selected. To get all three options to behave as a toggle group, you'd also want to set toggle_opts for -b to "-a,-c", and toggle_opts for -c to "-a,-b". This is a little redundant and messy; it's the result of the line-oriented, one-option-at-a-time definition of the ESL_OPTIONS. These lists can get quite long, too.

An option has no effect on itself when it appears in its own toggle-tied list. This lets you reduce the mess a bit. You can #define a toggle group string:

  #define OPTGROUP1 "--option1,--option2,--option3,--option4"

and use that #define macro in the ESL_OPTIONS.

Although booleans may only be turned ON when their option is present, you can easily get the semantics of an on/off switch by defining another option that works as the off switch when it is selected. For example, you could define (GNU-ish) boolean options --foo and --no-foo, and set toggle_opts for --foo to be "--no-foo" and vice versa.

Toggle-tying should only be used for boolean options, but it will also work for string options (where turning a string option off means setting it to NULL). Toggle-tying an integer, real-valued, or char option will result in undefined behavior, because these options can't be turned off once set.

Toggling behavior occurs immediately, whenever an option with a non-NULL toggle_opts field is set.

specifying required or incompatible options

If a non-NULL string required_opts is provided for option X, this specifies a comma-delimited list of additional options that must also be on if option X is set.

One case where this behavior is useful is when one (primary) option turns on a mode of application behavior, and other (secondary) options configure that mode. If a user tried to set the secondary options without turning on the mode in the first place, the application should issue a warning. So, if a mode was turned on by --foomode and configured by --foolevel <x>, one could set required_opts to "--foomode" for the option --foolevel.

Required options are validated when the application calls `esl_opt_VerifyConfig()}, (presumably) after all configuration information has been processed. This delayed verification allows the primary options to be set anywhere and in any order, before or after secondary options are set.

The incompat_opts field is the converse of required_opts.It specifies a comma-delimited list of options that may not also be on if option X is on.

more complex ESL_OPTIONS example

The test driver in getopts.c uses an options array that exercises all the optional features at least once:

#define BGROUP "-b,--no-b"
static ESL_OPTIONS options[] = {
  /* name    type        default env_var  range toggles req  incompat help                  docgroup */
 { "-a",     eslARG_NONE, FALSE,"FOOTEST",NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "toggle a on",               1 },
 { "-b",     eslARG_NONE, FALSE,  NULL,   NULL, BGROUP, NULL,  NULL,  "toggle b on",               1 },
 { "--no-b", eslARG_NONE,"TRUE",  NULL,   NULL, BGROUP, NULL,  NULL,  "toggle b off",              1 },
 { "-c",     eslARG_CHAR,   "x",  NULL,"a<=c<=z",NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "character arg",             2 },
 { "--d1",   eslARG_NONE,"TRUE",  NULL,   NULL, "--d2", NULL,  NULL,  "toggle d1 on, d2 off",      2 },
 { "--d2",   eslARG_NONE, FALSE,  NULL,   NULL, "--d1", NULL,  NULL,  "toggle d2 on, d1 off",      2 },
 { "-n",     eslARG_INT,    "0",  NULL,"0<=n<10",NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "integer arg",               2 },
 { "-x",     eslARG_REAL, "0.8",  NULL, "0<x<1", NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "real-value arg",            2 },
 { "--lowx", eslARG_REAL, "1.0",  NULL,   "x>0", NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "real arg with lower bound", 2 },
 { "--hix",  eslARG_REAL, "0.9",  NULL,   "x<1", NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "real arg with upper bound", 2 },
 { "--lown", eslARG_INT,   "42",  NULL,   "n>0", NULL,"-a,-b", NULL,  "int arg with lower bound",  2 },
 { "--hin",  eslARG_INT,   "-1",  NULL,   "n<0", NULL,  NULL,"--no-b","int arg with upper bound",  2 },
 { "--host", eslARG_STRING, "","HOSTTEST",NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "string arg with env var",   3 },
 { "--multi",eslARG_STRING,NULL,  NULL,   NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "test quoted configfile arg",3 },
 { "--mul",  eslARG_NONE, FALSE,  NULL,   NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  NULL,  "test long opt abbreviation",3 }, /* xref bug #e4 */
 {  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },

formatting help/usage messages

The esl_opt_DisplayHelp() function streamlines the job of printing a brief help message, reminding the user of the command line options. It uses the help string to produce output like (from the example code above):

% ./example -h
Usage: ./example [-options] <arg>

  where options are:
  -h         : show help and usage
  -a         : a boolean switch
  -b         : another boolean switch  [default]
  -n <n>     : an integer argument  [0]
  -x <x>     : a real-valued argument  [1.0]
  --file <s> : long option, with filename arg
  --char <c> : long option, with character arg

One line is printed for each option, in the same order that they appear in the ESL_OPTIONS array. The line is constructed from the mandatory option name, the mandatory argument type, and the optional help string.

If there is room on the lines, default values are shown in brackets (when they are on or non-NULL). This display is all or none; if any line is too long, no default values are displayed.

If there is still room on the lines, range restrictions are shown in parentheses. Like the default values, this display is also all or none.

The amount of space on the line (in characters) is specified by the textwidth argument to esl_opt_DisplayHelp(), which might typically be 80. If any line is too long even without printing a default value and range restriction, an error is thrown; you need to either shorten the help string or increase the specified textwidth. (This is not a memory allocation issue. textwidth is provided as a tool to help you keep all your text within the bounds of a user's terminal window, and warn you when you're going to wrap or truncate lines.)

You can indent all the lines by some number of spaces using the indent argument, which was set to 2 in the example above.

The base behavior of esl_opt_DisplayHelp() is to show all the options in one list. You might want to have separate lists. For example, you might want to consider some options as "expert" options, and only show help for those when a user really asks for it. Or you might simply want to group your options into sections, with different headers. This is what the docgrouptag field is for in the ESL_OPTIONS structure. If you pass esl_opt_DisplayHelp() a nonzero value for docgroup, it will only show help lines for options that have a matching docgrouptag. If you had some options with a docgrouptag of 1, and some more options with a docgrouptag of 2, you could format them into two help sections with this:

 if (show_help) {
    puts("\n  where some options are:");
    esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 1, 2, 80); /* 1=docgroup 1; 2=indentation; 80=width */
    puts("\n  and some more options are:");
    esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 2, 2, 80); /* 1=docgroup 2; 2=indentation; 80=width */
    return 0;

which, if you modified the above example in this way (setting the first three options to have a docgrouptag of 1 and the other four to be 2) would give you:

./example -h
Usage: ./example [-options] <arg>

  where some options are:
  -h : show help and usage
  -a : a boolean switch
  -b : another boolean switch  [default]

  and some more options are:
  -n <n>     : an integer argument  [0]
  -x <x>     : a real-valued argument  [1.0]
  --file <s> : long option, with filename arg
  --char <c> : long option, with character arg

command line parsing, config files, and the shell environment

Once a ESL_GETOPTS object has been loaded with an options array and initialized to default state by esl_getopts_Create(), a esl_opt_ProcessCmdline() call then processes all the options on the command line, updating the configuration.

Internally, the object keeps track of where the options end and command line arguments begin. The macro esl_opt_ArgNumber() returns the number of arguments remaining after the options. Calls to esl_opt_GetArg() recover the command line arguments by number.

The getopts module can configure options not only via the command line, but via environment and/or config files. Connections to the environment -- the env_var field of the options array -- are processed by a esl_opt_ProcessEnvironment() call. An open config file is processed by a esl_opt_ProcessConfigfile() call. (The format of a config file is described below.) The application may process any number of config files -- for instance, there may be a master configuration installed in a system directory, and a personalized configuration in a user's home directory.

The order of the different Process*() calls defines the precedence of who overrides who. For example, in the following code fragment:

   ESL_GETOPTS *g;        /* a created, initialized getopts config  */
   FILE *masterfp;        /* a master config file, open for reading */
   FILE *userfp;          /* a user's config file, open for reading */

   esl_opt_ProcessConfigfile(g, "/usr/share/myapp/master.cfg", masterfp);
   esl_opt_ProcessConfigfile(g, "~/.myapp.cfg",                userfp);
   esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(g, argc, argv);

the precedence is defined as: defaults, master config file, local config file, environment, command line arguments.

configuring an application that uses getopts

(This section might usefully by cut and pasted into the documentation for a specific application, with modifications as appropriate.)

command line option syntax

Command line syntax is essentially identical to the syntax used by GNU programs. Options must precede the mandatory arguments.

Options are either short or long. Short options are a single character preceded by a single -; for example, -a. Long options are preceded by two dashes, and can have any wordlength; for example, --option1.

If a short option takes an argument, the argument may either be attached (immediately follows the option character) or unattached (a space between the optchar and the argument. For example, -n5 and -n 5 both specify an argument 5 to option -n.

Short options can be concatenated into a string of characters; -abc is equivalent to -a -b -c. (Concatenation may only be used on the command line, not in configuration files or in fields of the ESL_OPTIONS structure array.) Only the last option in such a string can take an argument, and the other options in the optstring must be simple on/off booleans. For example, if -a and -b are boolean switches, and -W takes a <string> argument, either -abW foo or -abWfoo is correct, but -aWb foo is not.

For a long option that takes an argument, the argument can be provided either by --foo arg or --foo=arg.

Long options may be abbreviated, if the abbreviation is unambiguous; for instance, --foo or --foob suffice to active an option --foobar. Like concatenation of short options, abbreviation of long options is a shorthand that may only be used on the command line.

Multi-word arguments may be quoted: for example, --hostname "my host" or -s="my string".

Nonnumeric arguments may not start with '-' unless you use an argument-attached syntax: -W=-myarg and --foo=-myarg are accepted, but -W -myarg or --foo -myarg will result in an error message. This is so if you forget a required argument on the command line, we don't silently parse the following option as that argument. Numeric arguments aren't checked this way, but forgotten numeric argument errors would still usually be caught in typechecking (if -n takes an integer argument, -n -a would be an invalid argument error); stylistically, we want -n -1 and --param -1 to be a valid way of passing negative-valued arguments. However, this does mean that some forgotten numeric argument cases will be undetectable by Easel: in the case where -n takes an integer argument, -1 is a valid option, and the user types -n -1, the -1 is parsed as -n's option.

configuration file format

Each line of a configuration file contains an option and an argument (if the option takes an argument). Blank lines are ignored. Anything following a # character on a line is a comment and is ignored. The syntax of options and arguments is stricter than on command lines. Concatenation of short options is not allowed, abbreviation of long options is not allowed, and arguments must always be separated from options by whitespace (not by =). For example:

   # Customized configuration file for my application.
   -a                        # Turn -a on.
   -b                        # Turn -b on.
   -W      arg               # Set -W to "arg"
   --multi "one two three"   # Multiword args can be quoted.

available functions

Function Synopsis
esl_getopts_Create() Create a new ESL_GETOPTS object.
esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp() Initialize a standard Easel application.
esl_getopts_Reuse() Reset application state to default.
esl_getopts_Destroy() Destroys an ESL_GETOPTS object.
esl_getopts_Dump() Dumps a summary of a ESL_GETOPTS configuration.
esl_opt_ProcessConfigfile() Parses options in a config file.
esl_opt_ProcessEnvironment() Parses options in the environment.
esl_opt_ProcessCmdline() Parses options from the command line.
esl_opt_ProcessSpoof() Parses a string as if it were a command line.
esl_opt_VerifyConfig() Validates configuration after options are set.
esl_opt_ArgNumber() Returns number of command line arguments.
esl_opt_SpoofCmdline() Create faux command line from current option configuration.
esl_opt_IsDefault() Returns TRUE if option remained at default setting.
esl_opt_IsOn() Returns TRUE if option is set to a non-NULL value.
esl_opt_IsUsed() Returns TRUE if option is on, and this is not the default.
esl_opt_GetSetter() Returns code for who set this option.
esl_opt_GetBoolean() Retrieve TRUE/FALSE for a boolean option.
esl_opt_GetInteger() Retrieve value of an integer option.
esl_opt_GetChar() Retrieve value of a character option.
esl_opt_GetString() Retrieve value of a string option.
esl_opt_GetArg() Retrieve numbered command line argument.
esl_opt_DisplayHelp() Formats one-line help for each option.