Basically we are going to forecast the active fire by 8-Day, using two fire products, precipitation and air temperature data.
Temperature data from reanalysis product (at daily scale resolution)
Precipitation data from reanalysis product (at daily resolution)
MODIS/Terra Thermal Anomalies & Fire data product (at 8-Day resolution)
VIIRS I Band 750 m Active Fire Product NRT (at 8-Day resolution)
- Run 01.x codes in sequence, get target data downloaded to the group's GEO shared directory.
- the starting date is Feb 2nd, 2019
- the study area is H29 V12 in MODIS tile
- data visualization for GEFs data will be done in R; for VIIRS and MODIS data will be done with qgis or bash
- Vivien Chen: []
- Yingtong Zhang: []
- Qianning Qin: []
- Tess McCabe: []
- Shijuan Chen: []