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138 lines (108 loc) · 3.64 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (108 loc) · 3.64 KB


Basic usage

Install and build

Step 1: Install & build bundle.

npm i
npm run build

Step 2: Deploy / serve. Link (or copy) app folder to a webserver (Apache, Nginx...).

Watch for changes

For live updates you can use npm run start (watching code changes).


This commands are for upgrading versions of dependencies (including large versions).

npx npm-check-updates -u
npm i

This is risky in general, but should be fairly safe for Babel and ESlint. Make sure the build still works after your changes.


Step 1: Update version in package.json (used for cache busting).

Step 2: Run updates and build.

npm up
npm run build-prod

Step 3: Staging. Preferably roll out to a test folder first using wlm-zabytki-deploy:

Step 4: Final. Roll out to the main folder using wlm-zabytki-deploy:

Important code points


  • function getMonuments() -- Contains SPARQL (WD query).


  • The monument card on the sidebar.


  • function getMonuments() -- Final loop to create markers on the map.
  • function transformMonuments() -- Transforms API data for the card component.


  • Translations (i18n).

Map changes

The map is based on Leaflet library, but there's a catch: it's an Angular Leaflet component, not a standard Leaflet instance. This means that most operations are not performed on a Leaflet instance using Leaflet methods, but rather on the Angular state. For example, to change the position, you modify the object and then run $scope.$apply() when necessary.

However, there is a way to directly access the leaflet instance. You could add this initialization hook:

L.Map.addInitHook(function() {
  // add to controler
  vm.leafletMap = this;
  // add global variable
  window._leafletMap = this;

Please note that changing the leafletMap instance might lead to unexpected effects when Angular state is reapplied.

Adding a marker does work though.

myIcon = L.icon({
    iconUrl: 'assets/images/marker-icon.png',
    shadowUrl: "assets/images/marker-shadow.png",
    iconSize: [29, 41],
    shadowSize: [41, 41],
    iconAnchor: [15, 41],
    shadowAnchor: [12, 41],
    popupAnchor: [0, -43]

if (typeof myMarker != 'undefined') {
pos = _leafletMap.getCenter();
myMarker = L.marker(pos, {icon: myIcon})
  .bindPopup(`Marker at:<br>${pos}`)

Geolocation accuracy

Rounding errors for lat/lon vs distance from original lat/lon:


Library compatibility


Seems like leaflet 1.8 (and 1.9) doesn't work with the last markercluster (1.5.3) or with the last angular-leaflet-directive (0.10.0).

Bug: Włączenie przesuwania mapy w wersji mobilnej #4

Works fine:

    "leaflet": "1.5.x",
    "leaflet.markercluster": "1.5.x",
    "leaflet": "1.7.x",
    "leaflet.markercluster": "1.5.x",

Broken dragging on mobile:

    "leaflet": "1.8.x",
    "leaflet.markercluster": "1.5.x",