While developing this website, it is aimed to use a layered structure. Layered architecture, called "n-tier architecture", has an important place in the software world. It simplifies the management and control of the project by dividing the application into logical and physical layers, all of which have different responsibilities. For this reason, it is a life saver in large-scale developments such as corporate automations. MVC architecture, on the other hand, is a design pattern based on three basic components: "Model", "View", "Controller". The project was designed by integrating components in the MVC architectural pattern into the layered structuring in the n-tier architectural pattern. This design includes four physical layers as “Business Layer”, “Data Access Layer”, “Entity Layer” and “Presentation Layer”.
The project was builted as "ASP.NET Web Application" in .Net Framework, a platform offered by Microsoft and used to develop applications running on Windows operating systems. ASP.NET is used to create web-based applications that run on the browser. During the development, Entity Framework, an ORM (Object to Relational Mapping) tool created by Microsoft, was used. Entity Framework allows processing of relational database to be done easily with object oriented programming. Here, Entity Framework's "Code First" method is used. Thanks to this method, the database is prepared by coding in the Visual Studio environment instead of being prepared in a database management system. This method increases the flexibility of the project as it makes the project independent in the database.
The project was developed in Microsoft Visual Studio with the C# programming language. HTML5, JavaScript and CSS languages are used for the front-end design of the website. During development, it was avoided to create complex codes by following the SOLID principles.
The hosting service of the project was provided from Azure. With Azure Web App Service and Azure Database Service, the site was published and the data was moved to Azure. Thus, the website can be accessed from outside the local server with the domain name sizehaber.azurewebsites.net.