- tickTime=2000
- initLimit=10
initLimit这个配置项是用来配置Zookeeper接受客户端(这里所说的客户端不是用户连接Zookeeper服务器的客户端,而是Zookeeper服务器集群中连接到Leader的Follower 服务器)初始化连接时最长能忍受多少个心跳时间间隔数。 当已经超过10个心跳的时间(也就是tickTime)长度后 Zookeeper 服务器还没有收到客户端的返回信息,那么表明这个客户端连接失败。总的时间长度就是 10*2000=20 秒;
- syncLimit=5
- dataDir=/export/search/zookeeper-cluster/zookeeper-3.4.6-node1/data
- clientPort=2181
- server.A=B:C:D
A是一个数字,表示这个是第几号服务器; B是这个服务器的ip地址; C第一个端口用来集群成员的信息交换,表示的是这个服务器与集群中的Leader服务器交换信息的端口; D是在leader挂掉时专门用来进行选举leader所用。
cat /export/search/zookeeper-cluster/zookeeper-3.4.6-node1/data/myid
server.X 这个数字就是对应 data/myid中的数字。你在3个server的myid文件中分别写入了1,2,3,那么每个server中的zoo.cfg都配 server.1,server.2,server.3 就OK了
bin/zkServer.sh start
bin/zkCli.sh -server IP:2181
1. 启动ZK服务: sh bin/zkServer.sh start
2. 查看ZK服务状态: sh bin/zkServer.sh status
3. 停止ZK服务: sh bin/zkServer.sh stop
4. 重启ZK服务: sh bin/zkServer.sh restart
There are two primary ways of doing this; 1) full restart or 2) rolling restart.
In the full restart case you can stage your updated code/configuration/etc..., stop all of the servers in the ensemble, switch code/configuration, and restart the ZooKeeper ensemble. If you do this programmatically (scripts typically, ie not by hand) the restart can be done on order of seconds. As a result the clients will lose connectivity to the ZooKeeper cluster during this time, however it looks to the clients just like a network partition. All existing client sessions are maintained and re-established as soon as the ZooKeeper ensemble comes back up. Obviously one drawback to this approach is that if you encounter any issues (it's always a good idea to test/stage these changes on a test harness) the cluster may be down for longer than expected.
The second option, preferable for many users, is to do a "rolling restart". In this case you upgrade one server in the ZooKeeper ensemble at a time; bring down the server, upgrade the code/configuration/etc..., then restart the server. The server will automatically rejoin the quorum, update it's internal state with the current ZK leader, and begin serving client sessions. As a result of doing a rolling restart, rather than a full restart, the administrator can monitor the ensemble as the upgrade progresses, perhaps rolling back if any issues are encountered.
In general when determining the number of ZooKeeper serving nodes to deploy (the size of an ensemble) you need to think in terms of reliability, and not performance.
A single ZooKeeper server (standalone) is essentially a coordinator with no reliability (a single serving node failure brings down the ZK service).
A 3 server ensemble (you need to jump to 3 and not 2 because ZK works based on simple majority voting) allows for a single server to fail and the service will still be available.
So if you want reliability go with at least 3. We typically recommend having 5 servers in "online" production serving environments. This allows you to take 1 server out of service (say planned maintenance) and still be able to sustain an unexpected outage of one of the remaining servers w/o interruption of the service.
Write performance actually decreases as you add ZK servers, while read performance increases modestly: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperOver.html#Performance
See this page for a survey Patrick Hunt (http://twitter.com/phunt) did looking at operational latency with both standalone server and an ensemble of size 3. You'll notice that a single core machine running a standalone ZK ensemble (1 server) is still able to process 15k requests per second. This is orders of magnitude greater than what most applications require (if they are using ZooKeeper correctly - ie as a coordination service, and not as a replacement for a database, filestore, cache, etc...)
du -ah ./ --max-depth=1
最后,发现是 version-2 目录下有大量日志,清理如下(删除10天之前的所有文件)
find ./version-2/ -mtime +10 -name "*.*" -exec rm {} \;