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KBurkholder committed Dec 21, 2024
1 parent 9db0fe1 commit 5674963
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,268 additions and 0 deletions.
346 changes: 346 additions & 0 deletions Doodads/cookie_consent.trait.php
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@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
namespace EarthAsylumConsulting\Traits;

* cookie_consent trait - Advanced set cookies using WP Consent API
* @category WordPress Plugin
* @package {eac}Doojigger\Traits
* @author Kevin Burkholder <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 EarthAsylum Consulting <>
* @version 24.1108.1
* @see
trait cookie_consent
* @var bool has cookie consent been loaded?
private static $cookie_consent_loaded = false;

* @var string default consent service name (set by using class)
public $cookie_default_service = '';

* initialize cookie consent (on _plugin_startup)
* @example $this->cookie_consent_init( $this->pluginHeader( 'PluginSlug' ) );
* @param string $plugin_slug plugin/slugname (plugin_basename)
* @param string $default_service plugin or service name
* @return void
private function cookie_consent_init( string $plugin_slug, string $default_service = '' ): void
if ( class_exists( '\WP_CONSENT_API' ) )
$this->cookie_default_service = $default_service ?: dirname($plugin_slug);

// WP_CONSENT_API waits for plugins_loaded to instantiate (?)
// which may be after this plugin loads.

// declare compliance with WP Consent API
if ($plugin_slug) {
add_filter( "wp_consent_api_registered_{$plugin_slug}", '__return_true' );

// do only once
if (! self::$cookie_consent_loaded)
self::$cookie_consent_loaded = true;

// add 'necessary' consent category, always allowed
add_filter('wp_consent_categories', function($consent) {
return array_merge(['necessary'],$consent);
// 'necessary' is always allowed
add_filter('wp_has_consent', function($has_consent, $category, $requested_by) {
return ($category == 'necessary') ? true : $has_consent;

// add javascript and filter for consent type (optin/optout)
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'cookie_consent_patch' ),PHP_INT_MAX);

* enqueue javascripts to patch consent interface between browser and server
* @return void
public function cookie_consent_patch(): void
// WP Consent API doesn't pass client consent type to the server,
// use a cookie on change (provided the CMP fires 'wp_consent_type_defined' event).
wp_add_inline_script( 'wp-consent-api',

// some consent management platforms may not set wp_get_consent_type
if ((empty($type))) { // has not (yet) been set
$prefix = \WP_CONSENT_API::$config->consent_cookie_prefix();
return $this->get_cookie("{$prefix}_consent_type",'optout');
return $type;

* set a cookie supporting wp_consent if enabled
* @param string|array $name the cookie name
* @param mixed $value the cookie value
* @param string|int $expires cookie expiration in seconds or timestamp or string
* 'delete', 'expired', 'session', 'n days', 'n months', etc.
* @param array $options cookie parameters
* 'path', 'domain', 'secure', 'httponly', 'samesite'.
* @param mixed $consent (array) consent parameters or (string) category or true = already registered
* 'plugin_or_service', 'category', 'function', ...
* @return bool success or failure (as best we can tell)
public function set_cookie(string|array $name, $value, string|int $expires=0, array $options=[], $consent=[]): bool
if (is_array($name)) $name = $name[0];

$name = sanitize_key($name);

if ( is_array( $value ) || is_object( $value ) ) {
$value = serialize( $value );
} else {
$value = sanitize_text_field($value);

$using_consent = self::$cookie_consent_loaded;
if ($consent === true) {
$consent = ($using_consent) ? $this->get_cookie_consent($name) : [];
$using_consent = ($using_consent && !empty($consent));

list($expInt,$expStr) = $this->set_cookie_expiration($expires,$using_consent);

$options = apply_filters( 'wp_setcookie_options', wp_parse_args(
'expires' => $expInt,
'path' => COOKIEPATH,
'domain' => COOKIE_DOMAIN,
'secure' => is_ssl(),
'httponly' => true,
'samesite' => 'lax',


if ( $using_consent )
if (! $consent['category'] = wp_validate_consent_category(
apply_filters( 'wp_setcookie_category',$consent['category'],$name,$value )
)) {
_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __("Missing/invalid consent category."), '2.7.0');
return false;

$consent = $this->set_cookie_consent($name,$consent,true,[
'expires' => $expStr,

if (! wp_has_consent($consent['category'])) return false;

foreach ($options as $n => $v)
$options[$n] = apply_filters( "wp_setcookie_{$n}", $v, $name, $value );

if (setcookie($name,$value,$options))
// echo "<div class='notice'><pre>".__METHOD__." ".var_export([$name,$value,$options,$consent],true)."</pre></div>";
if ($options['expires'] == 0 || $options['expires'] > time()) {
$_COOKIE[$name] = $value;
do_action( 'wp_setcookie_success',$name,$value,$options,$consent );
return true;

return false;

* set a cookie expiration as integer and string
* @param string|int $expires cookie expiration in seconds or timestamp or string
* 'delete', 'expired', 'session', 'n days', 'n months', etc.
* @param bool $getString (false) return array when true
* @return array [ $expInt, $expStr ]
public function set_cookie_expiration($expires, bool $getString = true): array
$expInt = 0; $expStr = '';

$utc = new \DateTimeZone('utc');
$now = new \DateTime('now',$utc);
$time_now = $now->getTimestamp();

// get expires as integer

if (is_string($expires)) { // string, i.e. '30 days' or 'session'
switch (strtolower($expires)) {
case 'session': $expInt = 0; break;
case 'delete': $expires = 'expired'; #nobreak
case 'expired': $expInt = $time_now - DAY_IN_SECONDS; break;
default: $expInt = ( new \DateTime($expires,$utc) )->getTimestamp();
} else if ($expires !== 0 && $expires < $time_now) {// int seconds from/before now
$expInt = intval($time_now + $expires);
} else { // timestamp or 0
$expInt = intval($expires);

// get expires as string

if ($getString)
if (is_string($expires)) { // string, i.e. '30 days'
$expStr = strtolower($expires);
} else if ($expInt == 0) { // session
$expStr = 'session';
} else if ($expInt < $time_now) { // delete/expired
$expStr = 'expired';
} else { // convert timestamp to days
$exp = new \DateTime('now',$utc);
$exp->setTimestamp($expInt + 60); // offset for diff()
$exp = $now->diff($exp);
foreach (['y'=>'year','m'=>'month','d'=>'day','h'=>'hour','i'=>'minute'] as $x=>$period) {
if ($x = $exp->{$x}) {
$expStr .= ($x > 1) ? "{$x} {$period}s " : "{$x} {$period} ";
$expStr = trim($expStr) ?: 'session';

return [$expInt,$expStr];

* set a cookie's consent information
* @param string $name the cookie name
* @param array|string $consent consent parameters or category
* 'plugin_or_service', 'category', 'function', ...
* @param bool $register with wp_add_cookie_info()
* @param array $defaults default consent parameters
* @return array $consent
public function set_cookie_consent(string $name, $consent, bool $register = true, array $defaults = []): array
if (is_string($consent)) $consent = ['category' => $consent];
$consent = apply_filters( 'wp_setcookie_consent', array_merge(
'plugin_or_service' => $this->cookie_default_service,
'category' => '', // necessary, functional, preferences, statistics, statistics-anonymous, marketing
'expires' => 0,
'function' => '', // describe cookie functionality
'collectedPersonalData' => '', // describe personal data collected
'memberCookie' => false,
'administratorCookie' => false,
'type' => 'HTTP',
'domain' => '',

if ($register && !empty($consent['function']) && self::$cookie_consent_loaded)
// maybe replace placeholders with cookie array values
$consent['function'] = sprintf($consent['function'],
wp_add_cookie_info( $name, ...array_values($consent) );

return $consent;

* get a registered cookie consent array for a single cookie or all cookies
* @param string $name the cookie name (optional)
* @return array $consent or array of [name => $consent]
public function get_cookie_consent($name = false): array
$consent = (self::$cookie_consent_loaded) ? wp_get_cookie_info($name) : false;
// because wp_get_cookie_info may return all cookies even when we ask for only one
if ($consent && $name) {
if (! isset($consent['plugin_or_service'])) return [];
return (is_array($consent)) ? $consent : [];

* get a cookie (convenience method, since we have set_cookie)
* @param string|array $name the cookie name (and alternates)
* @param string $default if cookie not set
* @return string cookie value
public function get_cookie(string|array $name, $default = null)
if (!is_array($name)) $name = array($name);

foreach ($name as $key) {
if (isset($_COOKIE[$key])) {
$default = maybe_unserialize($_COOKIE[$key]);
if (isset($_COOKIE[sanitize_key($key)])) {
$default = maybe_unserialize($_COOKIE[sanitize_key($key)]);

return is_string($default) ? sanitize_text_field($default) : $default;

* check consent is loaded and category set (convenience method)
* @param string $category consent category to check.
* @return bool
public function has_cookie_consent(string $category = null): bool
if (is_null($category)) {
return self::$cookie_consent_loaded;
return (self::$cookie_consent_loaded) ? wp_has_consent($category) : true;

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