- Force module Rewrited
- Calculate force into speed instead of position
- Average speed with last frame
- EZNestedEditorAttribute is not suitable for EZSoftBoneMaterial (Default-Material editing should be disabled)
- Node can be moved freely if its depth is less than startDepth
- Modified property orders in Inspector
- Custom startDepth can be specified with function RevertTransforms(int startDepth)
- EZSoftBoneForce: it drives from ScriptObject now
- EZSoftBone: a force space could be specified for EZSoftBoneForce
- Garbage Collection Optimize: replace Mathf.Max(a, b, c) with Mathf.Max(a, Mathf.Max(b, c))
- Bug fixed on LengthUnification (Wrong length calculation)
- Added an custom inspector for
, not all changes will trigger a reconstruction now
- Changed some function names
- End Bones: end bones can be specified
- Length Unification: there are 3 length calculation modes now, just like the "Sibling Constraints"
- Add set accessor to some properties
- Add a public function
so you can reinitialize the system after you changed properties at runtime.
- Change some variables' name
- replace enum SiblingConstraintMode with UnificationMode
- Change Name to EZSoftBone.
- GravityAligner: A transform can be specified to determine how much the gravity effects the system (inversely correlated to dot product of aligner's y direction and world's y direction)
- SimulateSpace: A transform can be specified as a simulate space, it's useful when the system needs to be updated with a moving object (like the hair in a car)
- Fixed wrong calculations on Iterations
- Call RevertTransforms on Update instead of LateUpdate, InternalAnimationUpdate will be called between them
- SiblingRotationConstraints: Rotation will be affected by Sibling Constraints if enabled
- Delta_Min: a constant value (1e-6), Pasue if deltaTime is under this value
- Now the restrictions' length will be scaled with the related transforms
- End Node: That's modeler's responsibility (and remove it makes the code looks so much better)
- Added nested editor for PBMaterials
- Package path changed to Assets/EZhex1991/EZPhysicsBone
- Shorten material, collider, and force module's name
- Revised some comments
- First Release