What's Changed
- Added the missing V2G message IDs to the iso15118_charger type by @SebaLukas in #179
- Plug'n Charge interface extension by @SebaLukas in #181
- Only use PP reading when connector type is a IEC 62196 Type 2 Socket by @hikinggrass in #182
- Changed fsm in Auth module from async to sync by @Pietfried in #184
- Add PacketSniffer Module by @SebaLukas in #178
- Adding module info access to PyJosev by @SebaLukas in #183
- Minor DC fixes by @corneliusclaussen in #185
- Add telemetry to EvseManager, YetiSimulator and YetiDriver by @hikinggrass in #186
- OCPP201 module subscribing to EvseManager session events by @Pietfried in #180
Full Changelog: 2023.1.0...2023.2.0