This document covers:
- Technical pre-requirements: Detailing the technical prerequisites and constraints needed to integrate the EU-OSHA translation tool in an existing Drupal CMS installation.
- Modules required: Detailing the modules needed for the EU-OSHA translation tool.
- Functionalities of the EU-OSHA translation tool: Describing the main functionalities of the EUOSHA translation tool as user stories.
This section describes the requirements that must be accomplished to use the EU-OSHA translation tool:
- Drupal version: The EU-OSHA translation tool has been implemented in Drupal 10; therefore, it must be considered that no other major version is supported.
- Translation level: The EU-OSHA translation tool uses field-level translation.
- EU-OSHA translation tool source code: The translation tool's translation workflow module source code will be available on EU-OSHA GitHub.
This section describes the list of modules that the EU-OSHA translation tool needs to be installed to ensure that this tool can be used. The list below presents the list of these required modules:
- tmgmt module
- Translation Management Core 8.x-1.15. (tmgmt)
- Locales Source. (tmgmt_locale)
- Export / Import File. (tmgmt_file)
- Drupal user. (tmgmt_local)
- Content Entity Source. (tmgmt_content)
- Interface Translation. (locale)
- Content Translation . (content_translation)
- Configuration Translation. (config_translation)
- Translation workflow (custom module with the improvements in the tmgmt module). (translation_workflow)
- Translation workflow node block (custom module with the block node if it has been sent to translate). (translation_workflow_node_block)
Moreover, since the EU-OSHA translation tool has been developed based on the Translation Management Tool module, the following list of modules must be installed:
- Entity API. (entity)
- Views. (views)
- Chaos Tools .(ctools)
- Views Bulk Operations. (views_bulk_operations)
- Content Translation . (content_translation)
- Locale. (locale)
- Internationalization/i18n (for string translation).
- Entity translation (for the entity source).
- Rules (for node translation) . (rules)
For more information about how to install and use, please, check the documentation with the name "EU-OSHA_ translation tool guideline_v1.0.pdf"