Sync to ETL 20.23.0
Recoded state_chart to reduce its resource requirements.
Added compile time state chart variants.
Added etl::unaligned_type for fundamental types.
Added reverse engineered functionality from C++20 .
Added all permutations of leading/trailing bit tests.
Changed inline functions to templates in binary.h.
Added etl::midpoint and etl::lerp
Recoded etl::endian & etl::endianness to allow constexpr in certain configurations.
Updates and fixes to etl::bitset. Added to_ulong, to_ullong, to_string member functions.
Moved void_t definition.
Renamed 8bit check macro.
Updated tests to support C++20 STL.
Modified C++ language level detection.
Added all permutations of leading/trailing bit tests.
etl::iterator is more SFINAE compatible.
Updated C++ standard detection.