This repository contains the code used in Gerbaldo, Sonder et al., for the benchmark of differential TF activity methods based on ATAC-seq data.
- fullFrags: benchmark on real datasets, using all fragments.
- nucFree: benchmark on real datasets, using only nucleosome-free fragments.
- fullOnNucFreePeaks: benchmark on real datasets, using counts of all fragments on nucleosome-free peaks.
- withArchetypes: benchmark on real datasets, using motif archetypes.
- Scripts: wrappers and higher-level functions.
- Figures: code behind the paper's figures.
- simulations: code for the generation of the semi-simulated datasets, and the benchmarks performed on those.
- singleCell: code for the cell-level analysis.
- misc: misc scripts preparing data objects for other analyses/plotting.
- TRAFTAC: code for the analysis of the TRAFTAC dataset.
Each of the 3 main benchmark folders contains one folder per dataset, with a peaks
and a seq_files
containing, respectively, the merged peaks and the (aligned) reads/fragments.
Due to size limitations the reads are not included in the repository, but are available on request.
To re-run the benchmark, simply do, from one of these folders:
datasets <- getDatasets()
To run only the top methods, use:
runAll(datasets, methods=getMethods(onlyTop=TRUE))
Results can be benchmarked using:
interactors <- readRDS("../Scripts/allInteractors.rds")
res <- compileBenchmark(datasets, interactors=interactors)
The precompiled results are also available in the respective folders.