- Break the code into modules
- Generate documentation with jsdoc
- Handle behaviour when no network (not necessary)
- Make an autoupdate system
- Add a "reset site" button
- Fix application behaviour when no platforms are registered
- Fix delete issues (first platform sometimes cannot be deleted)
- Fix notification system (electron/electron#10864)
- Using Tray Balloons system
- Get a new logo
- An unknown bug sometimes prevents the application from starting ('ready-to-show' event ?)
- The bug do not come from the event, since it's always fired as planned
- Maybe the bug was coming from the storage lib used? (we changed lib since then)
- Nope, I think it comes from the fact that all application files have not been loaded before building signal is sent, which means it hits nothing
- Fixed with commit 2ffdf2b.
- Create a settings view
- "Launch at OS boot" option
- Language selection
- Import/Export settings
- Delete settings
- Make a tutorial mode
- Add a loading indicator on platforms
- Launch tutorial mode when executed for the first time
- Modify translation listener
- Review the function checking if the side menu is overflowed
- "What's new?" pop-up window