The "Authorization Alif" project is a Django application designed for user authentication, user management, email confirmation, password management, and news management using Django and Django REST framework.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- Python
- Django
- Python packages listed in
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigation 🚶
cd authorization-alif
- Install the required packages 📦
pip install -r requirements.txt
By default, this project uses SQLite as the database. You can change the database settings in
- Apply database migrations:
python migrate
- Create a superuser for admin access:
python createsuperuser
- Start the development server:
python runserver
The project provides the following API endpoints:
- User Authentication and Management
- POST /api/login/: User login.
- POST /api/register/: User registration.
- POST /api/email-confirmation/: Email confirmation.
- POST /api/password-change/: Password change.
- POST /api/password-reset/: Password reset.
- PUT /api/user/update/int:pk/: Update user profile.
- GET /api/users/: Get a list of users.
- GET /api/user/int:pk/: Get user details.
- News Management
- GET /api/news/: Get a list of news.
- POST /api/news/create/: Create news.
- GET /api/news/int:pk/: Get news details.
- PUT /api/news/int:pk/: Update news.
- DELETE /api/news/int:pk/: Delete news.
- The User model represents a user in the application.
- Fields include: email, name, surname, phone_number, is_active, is_staff, password, and more.
- Serializers: UserSerializer, UserRegistrationSerializer, EmailConfirmationSerializer, PasswordChangeSerializer, PasswordResetSerializer, UserUpdateSerializer, UserFilterSerializer.
- The News model represents a news article.
- Fields include: image, title, content, and created_at.
- Serializers: NewsSerializer, NewsCreateSerializer.
Views in this project handle the logic for API endpoints. Important views include user authentication, registration, email confirmation, password management, and news management.
URL routes are defined in
. They map views to specific endpoints and HTTP methods.
For detailed API documentation, see the official Django REST framework documentation. You can also refer to the comments within the code for more information on each API endpoint's usage.
Please note: It's important to keep your SECRET_KEY and other sensitive information secure, especially in a production environment.
Feel free to customize this to suit your project's specific requirements, and add any additional information or instructions as necessary.
Make sure to replace ""
with the actual URL of your project's repository if it's hosted on a platform like GitHub. Additionally, customize any other parts of the README to match your project's specific needs.