PROJECT BY missating
- Créé un token pour ce login : exemple token : 965864853458345484389TYGT4
- faire un docker login:
echo 965864853458345484389TYGT4 | docker login -u fredray-21 --password-stdin
- faire un docker build (on build l'image)
Exemple :
docker build -t $(nom de l'image complet) .
Commande :
docker build -t .
- faire un push de l'image
docker push
Nodejs application that let's you add and complete task on a single page, storing both new and completed task in a different array. This appllication makes use of:
- EJS - A simple templating engine that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JS
- Body-parser - This extracts the entire body portion of an incoming request stream and exposes it on req.body
How to run the app locally:
- Run
npm install
to install all needed dependencies - Then start the server using
node index.js
- Navigate to your browser
to view the app
I wrote a blog post on how to build this app, you can check it out Here