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Realism Hardcore Client mod recommendations

Kestrel Kosdlic edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 1 revision

This is a collection of features i wanted to add, but am too tiny brained to add myself, luckily these fine folks made them happen on their own, and luckily for you, SIT supports SPT-AKI client mods, so download em, throw em in your client bepinex plugin folder, wa-bam more features, made by these fine people. SIT also supports SPT-AKI mods PRE 3.0.0.


A wonderful mod that adds adrenaline when your shot/get sploded, shits nice and makes me more immersed.

Visceral Bodies is fucking brilliant, SSH did a fucking bang up job making this one, essentially it adds bodies with collisins, making it so you can litterly walk on the bodies of the damned.

Oh where to even begin with this one, Amands's Graphics is a top tier client mod that makes the game look so much better and more realistic, Been using this one myself since it released and i just fuckin love it,

Have you ever wanted to deafen yourself? No? Well too bad, This one litterly makes you able to give yourself tinnitus through those loud gunshots, I mean, what did you expect firing a 12 gauge shotgun in a small office room?

Quality of Life

Sick of tarkovs shit audio system not showing where you getting damaged from? Me too, I use notGregs direction damage markers for that purpose alone. So i can actually know were im takin it up the ass from,

Old freelook by SAMSWAT readds the old system of freelooking, (love you sam no homo)

This one fixes a problem that shouldnt exist, and personally i use it in all my SPTarkov games, that support it. Thank you kind notGreg o7

You sick of your pmc having to litterly look at his gun to figure out that he needs to cock it to fix it, like litterly all you do is cock it or pull out the round that got stuck, which is done by cocking it, ITS ALL FIXED BY COCKING IT. This makes it so you dont have to inspect your weapon before fixing malfunctions, simple as that,