ENCORE. Enhancing Computational Reproducibility
ENCORE is an initiative of the Bioinformatics Laboratory (www.bioinformaticslaboratory.eu) and can be cited as
van Kampen, A., Mahamune, U., Jongejan, A., van Schaik, B., Balashova, D., Lashgari, D., Pras-Raves, M., Wever, E., Dane, A., Valiente, R.G., and Moerland, P (2024). ENCORE. A Practical Implementation to Improve Reproducibility and Transparency of Computational Research. MetaArXiv. February 19. doi:10.31222/osf.io/m9yqz. Supplementary materials: osf.io/j9hmw/
van Kampen, A., Mahamune, U., Jongejan, A., van Schaik, B., Balashova, D., Lashgari, D., Pras-Raves, M., Wever, E., Dane, A., Valiente, R.G., and Moerland, P (2024). ENCORE. A Practical Implementation to Improve Reproducibility and Transparency of Computational Research. Nature Communications, 15, 8117. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-52446-8) [pdf+supplement]
The FSS Navigator is part of ENCORE and can be referred to as:
- Van Kampen AHC, Mahamune U, Jongejan, A (2023) The standardized file system structure (FSS) navigator. Zenodo. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7985655
GitHub repository containing the ENCORE sFSS template:
- https://github.com/EDS-Bioinformatics-Laboratory/ENCORE
- The ENCORE template can be cited as:
- van Kampen, A. H. C., Mahamune, U., Jongejan, A., van Schaik, B. D. C., Balashova, D., Lashgari, D., Pras-Raves, M., Wever, E. J. M., Dane, A. D., Garcia-Valiente, R., & Moerland, P. D. (2024). ENCORE: A practical implementation to improve reproducibility and transparency of computational research. ENCORE. https://zenodo.org/records/12938252.
ENCORE is an initiative of the Bioinformatics Laboratory (www.bioinformaticslaboratory.eu) with contributions from all group members:
- Prof. dr. Antoine van Kampen
- Dr. Perry Moerland
- Dr. Aldo Jongejan
- Dr. Adrie Dane
- Dr. Mia Pras-Raves (current address UMC Utrecht)
- Barbera van Schaik
- Eric Wever
- Dasha Balashova
- Rodrigo Garcia Valiente
- Danial Lashgari
- Utkarsh Mahamune