This file contains basic project information and is shown by default in the Compendium Navigator.
Remove all Instructions and the Explanation once you have completed the template.
Level of detail: Information provided should be sufficient for someone who was not involved in the project and/or has limited knowledge about the topic, to understand and reproduce the project.
Enter the project title
- Also add to the Compendium Navigator configuration file Navigation.conf
Project description and goals
- Provide a brief description like a structured abstract (e.g., background, research question and approach). At a later stage the main results and conclusion can be added here and/or to the 0_GETTINGSTARTED file
- Add figures when necessary.
Participants in project
- Do not provide contact details such as email or phone to ensure that only the main contact will be contacted in case of questions.
Project title:
Project start date:
Project description + goals
Main contact (project leader)
- First+Last name
- Affiliation
- Role in project
- Email address
Participants in project
- Titles, First+Last name, department, institute, role in project
- .....
Reference to publication (if published)