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Releases: EDCD/EDDI


20 Dec 07:45
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4.0.2-b3 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when invoking the RouteDetails() function when the commander did not own a fleet carrier.
    • Various other bug fixes
  • Navigation Monitor
    • Fixed having destinationdistance set to the wrong value after plotting an in-game route.
  • Ship Monitor
    • Add new ship roles: Anti-Xeno Combat, Anti-Xeno Support, Evacuation, Repair, Stealth, Tourism
  • Speech Responder
    • Stopped the text filter from resetting when switching personalities.
    • Functions
      • VoiceDetails() function revised. Zero arguments now returns details of the current voice, rather than a list of voice details. One numeric argument now provides the list of available voices, using the provided number as a seed to sort the list. One string arument now returns details about the named voice.
    • Changes to existing scripts
      • Message received updated to use the updated VoiceDetails() function and a new seed property to select NPC voices.

** NOTE: This release has been withdrawn.


05 Dec 10:47
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4.0.2-b2 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Fixed bugs that would cause carrier events not to trigger if the commander hadn't already obtained fleet carriier data from the Frontier API.
    • Various services, monitors, and responders shall be disabled or send/receive data from different endpoints when running a legacy Elite game version (less than 4.0). Disabled services shall be noted by EDDI logs.
  • Speech Responder
    • Functions
      • CargoDetails() shall now provide a generic commodity definition even when the commodity is not included in the current cargo manifest.
      • CommodityMarketDetails() shall now provide a generic commodity definition even when the commodity is not found in the current station inventory.
    • Changes to existing scripts
      • Carrier docking permission corrected occasional grammar issue.
      • Carrier service changed corrected occasional grammar issue.
      • Fuel check added checks to prevent Object reference not an instance of an object errors.
      • Ship interdicted updated to add a default script (for real this time).
  • Status Monitor
    • Corrected documentation of new status destination name variables (e.g. "destination_name" rather than "destinationName").


25 Nov 17:34
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4.0.2-b1 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Improved transitions between voices being handled by different speech synthesizers.
    • Improved parsing of Odyssey settlements from EDSM API data.
    • Don't assume that bodies retrieved from EDSM have already been mapped.
    • Overhauled route plotting functions.
    • Ring objects now contain mapped and hotspots properties to allow tracking mapped rings and hotspots within a system.
    • Add a top-level carrier object updated from the Frontier API and various journal events (note that carrier cargo / material inventories are not yet supported).
  • Crime Monitor
    • Fixed a bug that could identify a fleet carrier as a faction station.
    • Moved navigation functions to the Navigation Monitor
  • EDDN Responder
  • Inara Responder
    • Fixed an issue with asset data not being reported correctly.
  • Material Monitor
    • Moved navigation functions to the Navigation Monitor
  • Mission Monitor
    • Moved navigation functions to the Navigation Monitor
  • Navigation Monitor
    • Added new Navigation Monitor with support for planetary and galactic bookmarking, ship and carrier route planning, and galactic POIs.
    • The DestinationSystem object has been revised to match your current in-game route's final destination.
    • The DestinationStation object has been removed.
    • Navigation commands (e.g. via RouteDetails() or the route VoiceAttack command) will no longer generate a route in EDDI independent of your in-game routing.
  • Speech Responder
    • Events
      • Bookmark details added, triggered when a navigation bookmark is added in the Navigation Monitor.
      • Carrier bank transfer added, triggered when you transfer money to or from your fleet carrier.
      • Carrier decommission cancelled added, triggered when you cancel the decommissioning of your fleet carrier.
      • Carrier decommission scheduled added, triggered when you request the decommissioning of your fleet carrier.
      • Carrier docking permission added, triggered when changing the docking permission criteria at your fleet carrier.
      • Carrier finance added, triggered when changing tax rates or reserve funds at your fleet carrier.
      • Carrier fuel deposit added, triggered when depositing fuel at your fleet carrier.
      • Carrier name changed added, triggered when your fleet carrier's name is changed.
      • Carrier purchased added, triggered when you purchase a fleet carrier.
      • Carrier service changed added, triggered when you change the services available at your fleet carrier.
      • Carrier stats added, triggered when you open the carrier management screen.
      • Carrier jump engaged updated to add a new docked property.
      • Location updated to add faction and conflicts properties (like the Jumped event).
      • Route details updated to add tritiumused property for fleet carrier tritium consumption.
      • SRV docked updated to add properties srvType and srvTypeInvariant.
      • SRV launched updated to add properties srvType and srvTypeInvariant.
      • Surface signals detected event updated to add a new property detectionType with values "FSS" or "SAA".
      • Mission accepted updated to add tags and invariantTags properties.
      • Nav route added, triggered when a route is plotted in the Galaxy Map.
      • Near bookmark added, triggered when entering or departing the (customizable) nearby radius of a bookmark.
      • Next destination added, triggered when selecting an in-system destination.
      • Permit acquired added, triggered when you acquire a permit from the mission board.
      • Vehicle destroyed updated to add properties srvType and srvTypeInvariant when vehicle is an SRV
    • Functions
      • Fixed a bug that could cause the ShipDetails() function to fail to resolve some ship model names.
      • Fixed a bug that could cause the TrafficDetails() function to fail.
      • Fixed a bug that prevented Pause() from affecting Play().
      • The SetState() function now allows variables to be set to void.
      • RouteDetails() revised to remove obsolete next type and to add carrier, neutron, recalculating, scorpion, and scoop types.
    • Changes to existing scripts
      • Asteroid prospected updated to conform to an in-game name change from Void Opals to Void Opal
      • Bodies to map updated to prevent re-recommending bodies we've already mapped.
      • Body atmosphere report revised to correct some issues around reporting for class 1 gas giants.
      • Body materials report revised to special case hard-to-find Selenium.
      • Body report revised to improve grammar (around "days") and skip the Body materials report by default.
      • Body report summary revised to improve grammar (around "days") and skip the Body materials report by default.
      • Carrier jump engaged updated use new docked property and carrier name.
      • Carrier jumped updated to replace references to destinationsystem with references to searchsystem.
      • Commodity purchased updated to increase variety and lightly reduce verbosity.
      • Community goal updated to refine responses upon goal completion.
      • Crime check station updated to remove obsolete references to shipid.
      • Crime check system updated to better distinguish fines and bounties.
      • Discovery scan updated to incorporate new System materials report invoked script.
      • Docking denied updated to add new DockOffline reason.
      • Docking granted revised to reference automated docking if such a module is installed.
      • Engineer contributed revised to correct grammar when contributing materials to an engineer unlock.
      • Entered normal space revised to correct grammar when dropping out near a ring.
      • Entered signal source revised to correct obsolete signal source names.
      • Entered supercruise revised to reset a state variable after updating you on your crime status.
      • Fuel check revised to move relevant data to the Route details script.
      • FSD Engaged revised to move some speech to the Jumped event.
      • Glide updated to remove gravity warnings (e.g. "Danger", "Caution", etc.) when approaching a body in a taxi or dropship.
      • Jumped revised to remove jump count reporting (to slightly reduce verbosity), report the distance to your carrier when you have a carrier but no home system, and add speech moved from the FSD engaged event.
      • Location updated to add local reputation, system state, and system engineer details and to remove redundant mission information.
      • Material required report updated to fix a typo.
      • Market Information updated updated to fix a typo.
      • Module purchased updated to fix broken weapon mount details.
      • Module retrieved updated to fix broken weapon mount details.
      • Module sold updated to fix broken weapon mount details.
      • Module sold from storage updated to fix broken weapon mount details.
      • Module stored updated to fix broken weapon mount details.
      • Module swapped updated to fix broken weapon mount details.
      • Module transfer updated to fix broken weapon mount details and refine time estimates.
      • Modules stored updated to fix broken weapon mount details.
      • Mission abandoned updated to fix broken community goal abandonment and to observe mission abandonment fines.
      • Mission accepted updated to remove mission counting and reduce verbosity
      • Mission check station updated to improve grammar.
      • Mission check system updated to improve grammar.
      • Mission check galaxy updated to remain silent if you have no active or claimable missions.
      • Mission completed updated to reduce verbosity by only sometimes referencing faction state info.
      • Mission faction state updated to correct incorrect faction names and reduce verbosity.
      • Mission failed updated to prevent speech if no mission is found matching the mission id.
      • Route details revised to remove obsolete next type and to add carrier, neutron, recalculating, scorpion, and scoop types.
      • Ship interdicted updated to add a default script.
      • Ship repaired updated to fix broken weapon mount details.
      • Ship transfer initiated updated to refine time estimates.
      • Signal detected revised to correct the "Convoy Dispersal Pattern" source and to report Compromised Nav Beacons by default.
      • SRV docked updated to make use of the new srvType property.
      • SRV launched updated to make use of the new srvType property.
      • Star report revised to correct a grammar bug when reporting star class.
      • Star scanned revised to report primary stars unknown to Universal Cartographics.
      • Surface signals detected updated to indicate the body containing the signals, when available.
      • System materials report added.
      • System report updated to include alliance superpower, improve several government descriptors, and add local reputation details.
      • System scan complete updated to invoke the System materials report script when appropriate.
      • System state report updated to facilitate localization, add several newer faction states, and improve grammar around recent conflicts.
      • Undocked updated to invoke RouteDetails("update").
  • Status Monitor
    • Fixed a bug that caused fuel percent calculations to not calculate immediately after a vehicle change.
    • Added new status property credit_balance.
    • Added new status property `on_foot_...
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20 Aug 16:44
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  • Core
    • Promote 4.0.1-rc1 to 4.0.1


17 Aug 04:57
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4.0.1-rc1 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Promote 4.0.1-b5 to rc1


14 Aug 17:30
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4.0.1-b5 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Improve speech service detection of older Windows versions.


13 Aug 07:33
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4.0.1-b4 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Added a speculative fix for a bug that could prevent speech when the same voice is available from multiple speech synthesizers.
    • Refactored to try to improve compatibility with older Windows versions.


10 Aug 06:17
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4.0.1-b3 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Fixed a bug that would cause speech volume for some voices to be either 0% or 100%.


09 Aug 00:18
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4.0.1-b2 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Unlocked most previously unavailable Windows voices.
    • Added support for custom user lexicons (to learn more, search the wiki for "lexicons").
    • Fixed a bug that might in some instances make EDDI slow to respond to events.
  • Crime Monitor
    • Fines are now converted to bounties when a bounty is incurred.
    • Improved handling of fines and bounties, particularly with various respawn scenarios.
  • Mission Monitor
    • Fixed a bug that inverted community goal progression reports when moving between tiers.
    • Replaced the mission type property with a list of mission tags.
    • Updated missions list to provide the mission name and to provide additional row details by clicking an item on the list.
  • Ship monitor
    • Fixed a bug that would cause ship roles to not be remembered correctly in 4.0.1-b1.
  • Speech Responder
    • Events
      • Respawned event added.
      • Mission completed event updated to record faction effects.
      • Safe event added.
      • Ship repurchased event removed (folded into the new Respawned event).
    • Functions
      • P() function - Touched up star system and body pronunciations
    • Scripts
      • Body report script updated to key on the invariant reserve level
      • Bond awarded script updated to reduce verbosity.
      • Bounty awarded script updated to reduce verbosity.
      • Bounty incurred script updated to reduce verbosity.
      • Crime check station script updated to more intelligent suggestions about paying off fines and bounties.
      • Crime check system script updated to reduce verbosity.
      • Entered supercruise script updated to report any changes to pending fines, bounties, or claims.
      • Fine incurred script updated to reduce verbosity.
      • Respawned script added.
      • Mission abandoned script revised to use mission tags.
      • Mission accepted script revised to use mission tags.
      • Mission check station script revised to use mission tags.
      • Mission check system script revised to use mission tags.
      • Mission completed script revised to use mission tags.
      • Mission expired script revised to use mission tags.
      • Mission failed script revised to use mission tags.
      • Mission redirected script revised to use mission tags.
      • Mission warning script revised to use mission tags.
      • Route details script revised to use mission tags.


20 Jun 07:44
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4.0.1-b1 Pre-release
  • Core
    • Richer event variable documentation (for both the Speech Responder and VoiceAttack).
  • Mission Monitor
    • Added a tool tip to display the name of each mission.
    • Revised mission expiration timers to improve sorting with longer missions and to use a more universal format.
  • Speech Responder
    • Scripts
      • Updated the Embark, SRV docked, SRV launched, and Vehicle destroyed events to fix a bug with th the SRV deployed warning.
  • VoiceAttack Responder
    • Added a new plugin context 'volume' to allow commanders to set the text to speech volume from VoiceAttack.
    • Event object data is now documented and accessible.
    • Fixed scripts invoked from the VoiceAttack speech context having priority 5 rather than priority 3 by default.
    • Standard variables (e.g. current system variables) are updated immediately after a change rather than with the next event.