September 21st: Sprint begins
September 22nd: First group meeting, catalogue of user stories begin to be compiled on shared google doc
September 23rd: first base preliminary UML model is created, base classes include User, Trip, Vehicle, Admin
September 24th: UML model updated to have more classes, Registration, Tripnode, as well as two enumeration classes to assist in state machines
September 25th: Second group meeting, UML is finalized and User stories catalogue completed
September 26th: Base Maven, Spring and Readme pushed to the repository
September 27th: Travis CI added to the repository, UML model created in UML lab,
September 28th: Team begins making psuedocode on their own machines for controller classes, based on the UML diagram
September 29th: Removed UML labview from the project: The system caused several issues within the eclipse IDE, so it was removed to improve performance
September 30th: Webservice repositories, service, and controller classes are assigned to members
October 1st: Group meeting 3: preliminary JUnit integration begins, Webservice components worked
October 2nd: three inital repositories, service are created fro User, Trip and registration. More added later
October 3rd: Sprint 1 deadline extended in class, JUnit testing begins,
October 4th: further JUnit testing, additional edge cases added
October 5th: Original Sprint 1 dealine, Group meeting 4: Set goals for the last stretch of Sprint 1
October 6th: More controller methods added, more repositiories added, OATH2 servers created
October 7th: Sprint 1 deadline, finalized project for submission
A set of sample requests
- Authorization: None
- Headers:
- Content-Type = application/json
- Body:
{ "name": "Brendan", "username": "User", "password": "Pass", "drivingRate": 5, "passRate": 2 }
- Status:
201 Created
- Result:
{ "id": 4, "name": "Brendan", "username": "User", "password": "$2a$10$i0.ltBYigSyYb7QGs16qkebQHygqGwyQRMo4pKdm9n7zmSyB4kBkK", "drivingRate": 5, "passRate": 2, "registrations": [], "vehicles": [], "roles": [ { "id": 5, "name": "USER" } ], "dweight": 5, "pweight": 5 }
The rest of the API requests can be found here:
October 17th: Sprint 2 begins
October 22nd : Group Meeting, Created issues, discussed requirements within the Sprint 2 document, Created mock UI, Listed neccessary chnages/ updates to backend, Laid a timeline for sprint 2 and split up tasks,
October 24th: Updates on the backend pushed, created more issues.
October 26th Group Meeting- Apps broken up into teams, UI mockups created and all neccesary panels brainstormed. More issues brainstormed
October 28th: UI research seesion, solo research through Tutorials and online resources compiled
October 29th: Some base UI elements posted to the end result, Group Meeting: More Issues created, UI elements broken down by person
October 30th: Began final preparations for Sprint completeion.
October 31st: Original Sprint 2 end date, Code jam to build base UI
November 1st: Code jam day, Edited model and backend, Finalized UI, built UI interactions with buttons fields, and Recycle views. Tested code with Android emulator, Enabled Fronted to communicate with backend, Search trips algorithm created.
Novemebr 2nd: Sprint Due date extended Final prepartations created.