- build docker container:
- run docker container:
- source underlay:
source source.sh
- in the
directory, create a/src
folder- clone web_video_server package:
git clone -b ros2 https://github.com/RobotWebTools/web_video_server
- clone the simple publisher/subcriber from ros2 tutorial (for String message testing)
- clone web_video_server package:
- navigate back to
directorycolcon build --symlink-install
- deprecated errors of the web_video_server package are ok
- run:
ros2 launch launch/launch_all.py
- This launch file launches:
- two middlewares
- web_video_server (
ros2 run web_video_server web_video_server
) - rosbridge (
ros2 launch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket_launch.xml
- web_video_server (
- a rosbag (shared for all team members in Onedrive):
ros2 bag play -l <rosbag_name>
- simple publisher node for String message with counter
- publish a Twist message
- publish an Int16 message (number of balls)
- publish a Bool message (on/off)
- a turtlesim node & change its background rgb values
- two middlewares
- Run NodeJS from the docker container:
node app.js
- check IP address of the host:
for Linux - NodeJS runs on port 3000
- Open a web browser, type on address bar: