r.diag: GEM model and analysis Diagnostics Toolkit
An extensive toolkit available to users wanting to manipulate 2D and 3D meteorological data, as produced either by the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) GEM forecast model or the ECCC CCCma General Circulation Model (GCM). The CMC/RPN GEM file formats and two flavors of the GCM’s binary sequential format are supported. This toolkit was originally derived from an early 1990’s unix port of the then CRAY version of the CCCma diagnostic toolkit. Additional code produced at UQAM for diagnostics of regional climate data in the late 1990’s is also included in the toolkit.
The GEM toolkit is built in the R.DIAG executable binary. The toolkit commands can be grouped under several themes or section.
The available sections are :
- a) Display operations
- b) File/label/record manipulations
- c) General computations
- d) Manipulations on gridded data
- e) Manipulations on Fourrier or Spherical harmonics data
- f) Time-series manipulations
Once installed, a documentation .txt file for each R.DIAG command and a few .html files can be found in the `man/pdoc` directory. Each R.DIAG command is thus documented. In particular, the `man/pdoc/index.html` file holds another description of the package but also of the basic arguments and environment variables that it responds to. The `.txt` files are only available in English while the `.html` file are in French at this time. The list of R.DIAG commands can be retreived via the `r.diag lspgm` command. To figure out what a particular command does, simply execute the `r.diag command_name` command.
In addition to the toolkit, a conversion tool for either the CCCma or CMC/RPN file formats to/from the NetCDF v3 file format is included. Input NetCDF files should closely conform to the CF v1.4 Metadata convention. The converter will otherwise (at best) choke on them. Depending on this executable’s name, which should be either `cdf2ccc` or `cdf2rpn`, the default ECCC file format read/written by the executable will be either the CCCma or CMC/RPN formats. These two executable are in general automatically generated as hard-links. The first version of the converter was created by the Ouranos Consortium from 2003 to 2006. Note that `.txt` and `.pdf` documentation files for the converter are also available in the `man/pdoc` directory.
The default Makefile target (`allbin`) attempts to generate the libraries and executables, after checking that the initial setup has been done. The `all` target includes the `allbin` and `document` targets. The `document` target extracts the documentation headers from the different sources files to the `man/pdoc` sub-directory. The `export` target copies the final products to the parent directory. The `web-document` target pushes the documentation to `$HOSTWEB:$DIAGWEB`. The git working directory that holds the package is assumed to be just that, somewhere users may not be too comfortable. The package implicitely assumes that `make=gmake`.
To generate the toolkit executable, the RPN/CMC development environment has to be installed and active (see mfvalin/rmnlib on github.com). As well, a VgridDescriptors package compatible with the current GEM v4+ model version has to be available. Furthermore, to generate the two cdf2xxx executables, the NetCDF (v3 or v4) and UdUnits v2 library packages also have to be available. These in turn require the `hdf5`, `dl`, and `z` libraries (if NetCDF v4 is used) and the `expat` library (for UdUnits v2). The current configuration assumes that the the NetCDF v4 package is used and that the FORTRAN interface netcdff library is provided via a SSM bundle that also points to the UdUnits2 necessary components. This may provide for a static-linked version of the binary executables. However, if the `SHARED_NETCDF` variable is defined to a non-empty value, the converter will be generated using the NetCDF `nf-config`-supplied system options rather than those associated with a SSM bundle. In this case, the UdUnits2 library components will have to be provided separately.
Most of the code available here is written in FORTRAN (and a lot of it is still in F77). As a consequnce of this, the conversion tool requires a FORTRAN to C wrapper for the UdUnits v2 C routines. This is again available on github.com (look for `mfvalin/wrapper-code/udunits` on that site). However, a version of this package is also included here for convenience.
Some versions of the toolkit may also use the DDFUN90 package as produced by David H. Bailey of the NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley Lab. The 2005-03-11 version of this package is included here. This is the case for the PGI versions as these compilers (at least as of their version 14xx) do not provide for quad-precision real arithmetic. On the other hand, since the Intel/ifort, AIX/xlf and GFORTRAN compilers do support this, toolkit versions generated with them will not require the DDFUN90 package. To account for this, the `src/lssub/gaussg.F90` source file may need to be modified according to your environment’s specifications.
R.DIAG is copyrighted (C) 1990-2010 by the Division de Recherche en Prevision Numerique of ECCC. This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
For more information please contact : Dugas.Bernard@uqam.ca
Last revision : June 2019
- CMake 3.12+
- NetCDF
- librmn
Note: cmake_rpn
is included as a submodule. Please clone with the
flag or run git submodule update --init --recursive
in the
git repo after having cloned.
Source the right file depending on the architecture you need from the env directory. This will load the specified compiler and define the ECCI_DATA_DIR variable for the test datasets
- Example for PPP3 and skylake specific architecture:
. $ECCI_ENV/latest/ubuntu-18.04-skylake-64/intel-
- Example for XC50 on intel-19.0.5
. $ECCI_ENV/latest/sles-15-skylake-64/intel-
- Example for CMC network and gnu 7.5:
. $ECCI_ENVlatest/ubuntu-18.04-amd-64/gnu-7.5.0.sh
mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${your_choice} -Drmn_ROOT=${librmn_install_path} -DNetCDF_ROOT=${NetCDF_ROOT} make -j 4 make install
Tests can be run by running make check
which will ensure that everything
is built before running them.
When some tests fail, to get more information, tests can be run using
ctest --rerun-failed --verbose [--stop-on-failure]
which will run the tests
that failed. The =–
- CMake 3.12+
- NetCDF
- librmn with shared libraries (https://github.com/ECCC-ASTD-MRD/librmn/tree/dev)
Note: cmake_rpn
is included as a submodule. Please clone with the
flag or run git submodule update --init --recursive
in the
git repo after having cloned.
mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${your_choice} -Drmn_ROOT=${librmn_install_path} -DNetCDF_ROOT=${NetCDF_ROOT} make -j 4 make install