This packages manages various standard tasks needed by applications like:
- Program arguments
- Parsing arguments
- Pre-defined standard arguments:
-l, --log Log file (stdout, stderr, file)
--logsplit Split log file per MPI rank
-v, --verbose Verbose level (ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, EXTRA or 0-4)
--verbosetime Display time in logs (NONE, DATETIME, TIME, SECOND, MSECOND)
--verboseutc Use UTC time
--verbosecolor Use color for log messages
-h, --help Help info
- Logging
- Standard and uniform way of displaying messages at various levels
- Manages dependent libraries if they also use this mecanism (App_Log)
- Optional time information, time step number and color by message type
- When using MPI, messages are prepended by the PE number
- Shows count of error and warnings at end/close of log
- Process signal trapping
- Signal trapping for stopping model on SIGUSR2/SIGTERM
- Timing functions
- Parallel process management OpenMP/MPI
APP_PARAMS : List of parameters for the application (instead of giving on command line)
APP_VERBOSE : Define global verbose level (ERROR, WARNING, INFO, TRIVIAL, DEBUG, EXTRA, QUIET) default:INFO
APP_VERBOSE_[lib] : Verbose level per library, overrides global (lib=[RMN, FST, META, WB, GMM, VGRID, INTERPV, GEOREF, RPNMPI, IRIS, IO, MDLUTIL, DYN, PHY, MIDAS, EER, TDPACK, MACH])
APP_VERBOSE_NOBOX : Do not display header and footer
APP_VERBOSE_COLOR : Use color in log messages
APP_VERBOSE_TIME : Display time for each message (NONE, DATETIME, TIME, SECOND, MSECOND) default:NONE
APP_VERBOSE_UTC : Display time in UTC
APP_VERBOSE_RANK : Enable log on a specific rank default:-1 (all rank)
APP_TOLERANCE : Tolerance level trigerring an exit (ERROR, SYSTEM, FATAL, QUIET) default:QUIET
APP_NOTRAP : Disable signal trapping (SIGTERM, SIGUSR2)
APP_LOG_SPLIT : Split log stream/file per MPI PE
APP_LOG_STREAM : Define log stream/file (stdout, stderr, filename) default:stderr
APP_LOG_FLUSH : Force flush of buffers at every message (default flush only on error)
CMCLNG : Language to use (francais, english)
OMP_NUM_THREADS : Number of openMP threads (for internal purposes)
Application : iris 0.0.1 (2023-01-12T19:43:07Z)
Libraries :
rmn : 20.0.0-alpha6-dirty
vgrid : 6.9.0
georef : 0.1.0
Start time : Thu Jan 12 19:43:45 2023
OpenMP threads : 4 (Standard: 201611 -- OpenMP >4.5)
MPI processes : 13 (Standard: 3.1)
15 P000 (DEBUG) FST|c_xdfopn: c_xdfopn f->xdf_seq=0
15 P000 (DEBUG) FST|c_xdfopn: fichier existe f->xdf_seq=0
15 P000 (INFO) IRIS|Iris_Init: Defining MDL0 comm with global rank 1 of size 4
16 P000 (INFO) IRIS|Iris_Init: Defining MDL1 comm with global rank 5 of size 4
16 P000 (INFO) IRIS|Iris_Init: Defining MDL2 comm with global rank 9 of size 4
16 P000 (DEBUG) Iris_WaitForSignal: Thread for MDL0 waiting for MPI_Irecv request from model
16 P002 (DEBUG) RMN|getenvc2_: NEWDATE_OPTIONS Not found in environment
16 P002 (TRIVIAL) FST|next_match: Record found at page# 0, record# 2
22 P003 (DEBUG) FST|Read(1) GRID P@ G1_7_1_0N 1442 1021 1 440871200 15728640 123 120 450 984 E 32 O 1001 1002 1003 0
22 P003 (DEBUG) FST|c_fstinfx: iun 1 recherche: datev=0 etiket=[ ] ip1=1001 ip2=1002 ip3=1003 typvar=[ ] nomvar=[^^ ]
22 P003 (TRIVIAL) FST|c_fstinfx: (unit=1) record not found, errcode=-12
55 P000 (DEBUG) Iris_WaitForSignal: Thread processing message from model 0
55 P000 (DEBUG) Iris_WaitForSignal: Thread for MDL(0) is done after finalize call
55 P000 (INFO) IRIS|Iris_Free: Total time spent communicating: 8.612 ms and processing 0.000 ms
Application : iris 0.0.1 (2023-01-12T19:43:07Z)
Finish time : Thu Jan 12 19:43:45 2023
Execution time : 0.2989 seconds (0.56 ms logging)
Status : Ok (0 Warnings)
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *gridfile = NULL;
TApp_Arg appargs[]=
{ { APP_CHAR, &gridfile, 1, "g", "grid", "Input data fields" },
{ APP_NIL } };
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int code = 0;
if (!App_ParseArgs(appargs, argc, argv, APP_NOARGSFAIL | APP_ARGSLOG)) {
if (!gridfile) {
App_Log(APP_ERROR, "No input standard file specified\n");
TIris Iris;
if (!code) {
MPI_Comm comm = Iris_Init(&Iris, 0, NULL);
Model_Init(&Iris, gridfile);
for(App->Step = 1; App->Step < 20; App->Step++) {
if (App_IsDone()) {
// Trapped premption signal
Model_Run(&Iris, App->Step, comm);
if (App_IsDone() && Iris.Rank == 0) {
App_Log(APP_WARNING, "MDL%d: Would be writing a restart here\n", Iris.ModelNo);
if (Iris.Rank == 0) cs_fstfrm(OutFID);
- CMake 3.21+
Note: cmake_rpn is included as a submodule. Please clone with the --recursive flag or run git submodule update --init --recursive in the git repo after having cloned.
Source the right file depending on the architecture you need from the env directory. This will load the specified compiler and define the ECCI_DATA_DIR variable for the test datasets
- Example for PPP3 and skylake specific architecture:
. $ECCI_ENV/latest/ubuntu-18.04-skylake-64/
- Example for XC50 on intel-19.0.5
. $ECCI_ENV/latest/sles-15-skylake-64/
- Example for CMC network and gnu 7.5:
. $ECCI_ENV/latest/ubuntu-18.04-amd-64/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[your install path]-DWITH_OMPI=[TRUE|FALSE] -Drmn_ROOT=[rmnlib location]
make -j 4
make test
make install