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The Manta Control System


Used with:

  • vortex_msgs
  • xsens_mti_driver
  • battery-monitor


Manta is an ROV designed and developed by Vortex NTNU, a student organization at NTNU Trondheim. It is able to move in 6 degrees of freedom with a total of 8 thrusters, half of them thrusting vertically, and the other half horizontally. It has a uniquely flat design similar to a manta ray, hence the name, and making it very stable control-wise.

This control system has taken inspiration from the Vortex NTNU github found at This variant of the system has been developed in close cooperation with the organization.


The control system is designed as a straight-forward SISO feedback system even though it has 8 actuators. The actual allocation of forces is done in a node after the controller. Much of the dynamics for our specific vehicle has been covered in a master thesis by Kristoffer Solber. [LINK?]

The Open Loop

In normal ROV operation the setpoint is set by the connected joystick. We're running the default package joy on the shoreside computer to read the inputs from an Xbox controller. The joystick_interface remaps all the button clicks to what is considered smooth and straightforward control. This goes striaght into the controller.

The controller's inputs are the from the joystick and the sensors. It has several mode to control depth and heading if needed. The output of the controller is forces and torque in 3 dimensions to get the drone, represented as a body frame, to where it wants it to be. This is the input of the allocator which allocates the forces to each thruster based on their placement. Ideally, this is the only thing one should need to change if the control system were to be used on another drone.

The thruster_interface interpolates the forces for each thrusters and converts it to a PWM signal between 1100 and 1900 us. The pca9865_interface writes this to the right GPIO pin connected to the ESC's. The functions of these two nodes are similar, but are kept separate for testing purposes.

The Feedback Loop

Each sensor has a driver. The Bar30 pressure sensor node is created from its Adafruit library, and the IMU uses the mti_xsens_driver. Both these two are sent to an observer/estimator to be merged to a single signal for the controller.

Other functions

Camera tilt and light brightness are controlled manually from the output of the joystick_interface.

The vortex package contains all the relevant configuration and launch files for our system.

Implementation on the Shoreside Computer

Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS

We are using Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic on the shoreside computer. This PC runs the GUI and graphical tools if needed. Most useful tools are only officially supported up to ROS Melodic, but usually works on ROS Noetic.

1. ROS Melodic

Detailed walkthrough:

Quick setup (Only follow this if you know what each command does):

  1. Sources and keys
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver 'hkp://' --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654
  1. Install ROS

Grabbing the full desktop versions since a normal laptop should be able to handle it well.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full
  1. Environment variables
echo "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  1. Dependancies
sudo apt install python-rosdep python-rosinstall python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool build-essential

5 rosdep

sudo apt install python-rosdep
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update

2. Other dependancies

2.1 To connect to the webviz GUI

sudo apt install ros-melodic-rosbridge-server

2.2 The joystick package

sudo apt install ros-melodic-joy

2.3 Other dependancies

sudo apt install protobuf-compiler ros-melodic-message-to-tf ros-melodic-geographic-msgs ros-melodic-move-base ros-melodic-move-base-msgs

3. ROS Workspace

  1. Catkin tools
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools
  1. The catkin workspace
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin init
  1. Build the workspace
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build
  1. Source the workspace
echo 'source $HOME/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc

Custom Message Class for the Water Linked Underwater GPS

We are mostly using default messages, but to work well with the Water Linked system a custom emssage was created.

  1. Enter the package folder and clone the repository from github
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
  1. Build the packages
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build

Implementation on the Raspberry Pi 4

The entire control system runs on a Raspberry Pi 4 4GB on the drone. We have chosen Ubuntu Mate as the OS to keep the ubuntu functionality while having access to the GPIO pins without any hassle. The OS runs slower than normal Ubuntu server, and only the newest version of Ubuntu is available (20.04 LTS). This is an awkward middleground since much of the tools we're using in ROS are only officially supported on version 18.04 of Ubuntu, and many developers has already begun to work on ROS2. But thanks to the modular strength of ROS it works out.


  1. Ubuntu Mate

Write Ubuntu Mate 20.04 LTS to a SD card and boot the Raspberry Pi. It will try to upgrade all software to newest versions, which will take a while, so a wired internet connection should be considered. You cannot install other programs while this is happening and the terminal will just tell you that the thread is used for unattended-upgr.

Remember that Ubuntu 20.04 uses Python 3 by default, and earlier Ubuntu versions uses Python 2. Dependancies regarding this is covered further down.

  1. All the basics

2.1 Activate SSH with OpenSSH:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openssh-server

Enable SSH.

sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo ufw allow ssh

Verify that it's running with this:

sudo systemctl status ssh

2.2 Configure a static IP

It is always ann advantage to change to a static IP on the same subent as your other devices it will communicate with. On Ubuntu Mate you need a display, keyboard and mouse to change the settings like a normal dekstop PC. If you absolutely need a DHCP to get an internet connection, one can for example have wifi with DHCP, and static IP on ethernet.

2.3 Install ROS

Only install ros-base on the Pi since the graphical tools isn't really needed and takes up unecessary space.

Install rosdep too:

sudo apt install python3-rosdep
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update

Configure the workspace using catkin tools.

We are using catkin tools to work with our workspace.

sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools

Create the workspace and intialize it.

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/
catkin init

2.4 Install general dependancies

Some generally needed dependancies are not installed by default. This is either because ros-base excludes some specific packages, or that it is installed on an ARM architecture.

Package: "osrf-common"

sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools python3-osrf-common

Run Python 3 as Python 2: "python-is-python3"

sudo apt install python-is-python3

Programs for configuring the GPIO pins (Might not be needed)

sudo apt install i2c-tools

Git for version control

sudo apt install git


Camera packages for ROS

sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-image-transport ros-noetic-camera-info-manager libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev

Video4Linux utilities

sudo apt-get install v4l-utils

Viewing the image produced

sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-image-view

The camera package

sudo apt install ros-noetic-usb-cam

Needed for the controller

sudo apt install ros-noetic-eigen-conversions
sudo apt install ros-noetic-tf
sudo apt install ros-noetic-roslint

The default joystick package

sudo apt install ros-noetic-joy

GPIO Libraries

Install these in the home folder.

"Adafruit_Python_PCA9685" and "Adafruit_Python_GPIO".

  1. Clone the custom message system.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone git clone
  1. Clone the control system.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
  1. Build the workspace. Build the message package first if any other package is dependant on it.
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build vortex_msgs
catkin build
  1. Run some tests

Launch files.


ROS based control system for the ROV Manta






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Contributors 4
