Warning Don't forget to watch and star this repository to be notified on future releases
Here is an exemple of a file that you can add to your .github/workflows
We strongly recommend that you use Github Secrets to configure this Action.
# C:\Users\dynamored\MyHandsomeProjet\.github\workflows\sftp-action.yml
- closed
- 'main'
- 'master'
# /\ When a pull request is merged onto 'main' or 'master' then:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Send your latest writed files to your server
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: SFTP Upload
uses: DynamoRed/dsftp-action@v1
host: ${{ secrets.SFTP_Host }} # The IP adress of your server.
user: ${{ secrets.SFTP_User }} # The name of the user you want to use to upload your files/folders.
password: ${{ secrets.SFTP_Password }} # The password of the user mentionned before.
## Paths:
# Paths are written as objects (key/value) with key = local path and value = parent remote path.
# For this exemple, src is a folder and README.md a file.
paths: '{ "./src" : "/home/john/my_handsome_project", "./README.md" : "/home/john/my_handsome_projec" }'
port: 22 # OPTIONAL -- The SFTP port of your server. DEFAULT: 22
agent: '' # OPTIONAL -- Path to your server SSH agent.
key: ${{ secrets.SFTP_Key }} # OPTIONAL -- Your SSH private key content.
keyPassphrase: ${{ secrets.SFTP_Key_Passphrase }} # OPTIONAL -- If your SSH private key defined just before is encrypted, write the passphrase here.
Fork this repository
Install dependencies
npm install
- Build action
npm run build
- Open a pull request to integrate your modifications