These scripts compute mean accuracy and total trial counts for working memory performance in the Secondary Memory (SM) tasks (letter position and word-word) developed by:
- Oliver Wilhelm (University of Ulm, Germany)
- Andrea Hildebrandt (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
- Klaus Oberauer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
The tasks were adapted as a measure of Long-Term Memory (LTM) retrieval for the study:
"The Psychometric Structure of Working Memory: An Analysis Utilizing Network Modeling"
Presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
Principal Investigators: Kevin P. Rosales & Jason F. Reimer (California State University, San Bernardino) (A copy of the poster is included in thereadings
For more details on the Secondary Memory (SM) tasks, refer to:
📄 Wilhelm et al. (2013): "What is working memory capacity, and how can we measure it?"
(A copy is included in the readings
📂 example_data/ # Sample participant data (Inquisit .csv files)
📂 example_output/ # Sample output (.xlsx files)
📂 readings/ # Relevant articles and study materials # Script 1 # Script 2 # Script 3 # This document
- Participant data was collected using Inquisit (Millisecond Software).
- Raw data was downloaded and saved as .csv files for processing.
- The scripts filter real trials, compute accuracy metrics, and export summary statistics.
Specify input and output file paths:
- The scripts take input specified by the
variable. - Processed results are saved at the location specified by
- The scripts take input specified by the
Run the script:
- Ensure your
data files are inside adata/
is included. - Modify
as needed. - Execute the script in Python.
- Ensure your
View the output:
- Processed results will be stored in Excel (.xlsx) format at the designated output path.
is included.
- Processed results will be stored in Excel (.xlsx) format at the designated output path.
# Define file paths
datafile_PATH = r"/path/to/your/input_data.csv"
desired_output_PATH = r"/path/to/your/output_results.xlsx"
# Read the csv file
df = pd.read_csv(datafile_PATH)
# Process and export results
df.to_excel(desired_output_PATH, index=False)
print("Processing Complete.")