The Library Management System In C is develop in C programming language and creating in a console based, This Simple Library Management System Project In C you can perform functions such as add books, return books, issue books, delete record of books issued, view record of books issued, search for books, and more. File handling has been extensively used in this project for almost all functions.
A Library Management System C Program has six departments – Computer, Electrical, Civil, Electronics, Mechanical and Architecture. These departments work simultaneously with the operations mentioned above. You can add a book to the Civil section, delete a book from the Electrical section or view issued book details of the Mechanical department.
List of Modules:\
1 - Book Information Recording: All the information of each books should be recorded into the system to provide the borrowers or the students the book references that they want to borrow.
2 - Administrator Login: The admin login will require the school librarian their email and password to have the main access to the system and secure every information ang transaction done in the system.
3 - Users/Borrowers’ Login: This will also require the users or students email and password provided when they were registered into the system. Their email and password will serve as their access to the system in terms of borrowing books or inquiring for books.
4 - Book Monitoring and Updates: The system should save the borrowers info and the count of books that are borrowed. These records should also be updatable when the books are returned.
5 - View and Check Information: The admin can view and check the books that are borrowed and who were the students that borrowed them. Students can also view their borrowing transactions just like the book information, date of book borrowing and returning.
6 - Borrowing Information: The borrowing information should consist the important details of the borrowers and the books borrowed by each borrowers. This information should also record the day of borrowing as well as the returning of the book.
7 - Borrowing Records: This will record all the transaction made and are stored for a period of time to serve as reference for important matters.\