This repository contains all solutions for the course Algorithmic Toolbox offered on Coursera. The assignment solutions are in Python3.
Disclaimer: The below solutions are for reference only. Please design and implement your own algorithms to pass the course.
- [Sum of Two Digits]
- [Maximum Pairwise Product]
- [Fibonacci Number]
- [Last Digit of a Large Fibonacci Number]
- [Greatest Common Divisor]
- [Least Common Multiple]
- [Fibonacci Number Again]
- [Last Digit of the Sum of Fibonacci Numbers]
- [Last Digit of the Sum of Fibonacci Numbers Again]
- [Last Digit of the Sum of Squares of Fibonacci Numbers]
- [Money Change]
- [Maximum Value of the Loot (Fractional Knapsack)]
- [Maximum Advertisement Revenue (Maximum Dot Product)]
- [Collecting Signatures (Covering Segments by Points)]
- [Maximum Number of Prizes (Different Summands)]
- [Maximum Salary (Largest Number)]
- [Binary Search]
- [Majority Element]
- [Improving QuickSort]
- [Inversions]
- [Organizing a Lottery]
- [Closest Points]
- [Money Change Again]
- [Primitive Calculator]
- [Edit Distance]
- [Longest Common Subsequence of Two Sequence]
- [Longest Common Subsequence of Three Sequence]
- [Maximum Amount of Gold]
- [Partitioning Souvenirs]
- [Maximum Value of an Arithmetic Expression]