Elite Dangerous Telemetry Provider for SimFeedback / SFX-100
Please support this great project.
Unpredicted movement of you SFX-100 could happen at any time when this plugin is enabled.
I am not responsible of any damages caused by usage of this plugin!
You have been warned!
You need to have Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe Edition or Elite Dangerous with Horizons DLC.
Currently tested with fleet carriers update.
- Do not click on Download on this page. Download the file from the release tab or use the following link:
- Download zip archive, put it into your SimFeedbackFolder root and Extract there.
- As the directorys should match, each file should be put automatically in the right place.
If the previous method is not working, manual instructions here:
- Open zip archive
- Put contents of folder "provider" into folder "SimFeedbackFolder/provider"
- Put contents of folder "img" to folder "SimFeedbackFolder/img"
- Put contents of folder "profiles" to folder "SimFeedbackFolder/profiles"
- Start Elite Dangerous Launcher before starting SimFeedback
- If SimFeedback is started and Elite Dangerous Launcher afterwards - in some configurations the Elite Dangerous Launcher will stop with Unhandled Exception.
- You may switch profile to vehicle when land on a surface and use a vehicle.
- Contains rewolf-wow64ext: https://github.com/rwfpl/rewolf-wow64ext Licensed as LGPL3
- Contains memory offset values identified by Wagnard
- Contains Profiles created by DSL71