Drew's website hosted at people.tamu.edu/~drewwingfield
Not currently accepting PRs.
No LLMs, Machine Learning Algorithms, or any other so-called "AI" tools were used to build this website. Apart from the template, it was built from scratch by hand.
No Texas A&M resources were used in my music production; software such as (but not limited to) the EDrewcated Guesser; the creation of this website; photos, images, and vectors; and any other intellectual property hosted on or mentioned in this website unless otherwise explicitly stated. Therefore, all such intellectual property remains solely mine unless otherwise explicitly stated.
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Demo Images:
Unsplash (unsplash.com)
Font Awesome (fontawesome.io)
jQuery (jquery.com)
Scrollex (github.com/ajlkn/jquery.scrollex)
Responsive Tools (github.com/ajlkn/responsive-tools)
GitHub Commit Count Querying:
Prathyush SP (https://gist.github.com/yershalom/a7c08f9441d1aadb13777bce4c7cdc3b?permalink_comment_id=3278742#gistcomment-3278742)