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Create a clone of vampire survivors to learn the basic of 2D programmation in video game.

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How to create your own game step by steps

1. Initialisation - World

  • Create new project
  • Add a 2D Scene (Parent node - it's a place) = our World
  • Add a 2D Sprite to this node (Child node - it's a texture) = our Background
    • In texture we drag our png
    • Create a region with enabled (set W and H for size)
    • Repeat enabled so it dont messed up our initial texture and duplicate it instead Go to Filter section to play around the graphic quality
  • Save the world in a new folder of the project

2. Character

  • Add a character by adding a CharacterBody2D = our Player
  • Save this branch as Scene so it can get his own child and add some code to it
  • Save the player to a new folder of the project
  • Add a 2D Sprite to this node (Child node - it's a texture) In texture we drag our png In animation we set the Hframes by number of copy (2 in our case)
  • Motion mode to floating (grounded for supermario where we can fall else floating)
  • Click on Node (at the right) from player script to create a group for the player
  • Create a camera2D on the player so the camera moove with the player
  • Create a collisionShape2D, at the right change the shape to capsuleshape

To Code : Attach a new script to the selected node

2.1. Movement :

It will define how our player move (go to the code to see more details)

var movement_speed: float = 40.0

func movement():
	var x_move = Input.get_action_strength("right") - Input.get_action_strength("left")
	var y_move = Input.get_action_strength("down") - Input.get_action_strength("up")
	var move = Vector2(x_move, y_move)
	velocity = move.normalized()*movement_speed

func _physics_process(delta):

3. enemy AI

  • Create a new scene (+ at top of godot interface), and add CharacterBody2D = our enemy
  • Save the player to a new folder of the project called enemy
  • Add a 2D Sprite to this node (Child node - it's a texture) In texture we drag our png In animation we set the Hframes by number of copy (2 in our case)
  • Motion mode to floating (grounded for supermario where we can fall else floating)
  • 3.1
  • Drag the enemy.tscn to the world scene to add the enemy on our world
  • On the 2D scene we can press alt and then moove the enemy so it dont start on our player
  • Create a collisionShape2D, at the right change the shape to capsuleshape

3.1. Movement :

It will define how our player move (go to the code to see more details) We use global position to refer to the position of our player instead of the position to the parent.

@export var movemement_speed = 20.0

@onready var player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player")

func _physics_process(_delta):
	var direction = global_position.direction_to(player.global_position)
	velocity = direction*movemement_speed

4. Annimation

  • On our player, we can set flip_h to flip horizontally (we will do it in code)
  • We had a onready var sprite to refer to the sprite of our player in our script
  • We can change the frame of our player in animation in the right pannel. To do it automatically :
    • We create a new node Timer. This works as a stopwatch,
    • We set wait_time to 0.2 in right pannel
    • We set it to one shot to run only once.
  • Right click on the walkTimer created and set "access as unique name"
  • Then work in the script to do the walking animation as intended
  • For the facing animation of our enemy Kobold we do the same as our player instead we're setting a little gap in our if condition so it don't turn permanently
  • For the walking animation of our Kobold we don't do the same, since we want it to run permanently and automaticaly.
    • So we create a new node animation
    • We add an animation "walk" on the bottom panel
    • We set it to run each 0.6 seconds (at the right) and set it as repeating
    • We click on sprite layer then we set the frame from the right button and create it
    • At 0.3 of our animation we change the frame to 1
    • At 0.6 then we reset it to frame 0
    • Reference the animation on our code in a func function _ready() which is intern to Godot working since the start we reference our walk animation

4.1 Facing right direction

4.1.1 For our player

We're working on the movement function of our player

@onready var sprite2Dplayer = $PlayerSprite2D

func movement():

	if move.x > 0:
		sprite2Dplayer.flip_h = true
	#Sinon on ne le flip pas si on va a gauche
	elif move.x < 0:
		sprite2Dplayer.flip_h = false

4.1.2 For our kobold enemy

We're working on the _physics_process function of our enemy

@onready var Sprite2D = $Sprite2D

func _physics_process(_delta):

	if direction.x > 0.1:
		Sprite2D.flip_h = true
	elif direction.x < 0.1:
		Sprite2D.flip_h = false

4.2 Walking animation

4.2.1 For our player

We're working on the movement function of our player and previously created a timer node

@onready var walkTimer = get_node("%walkTimer")

func movement():

	if move != Vector2.ZERO:
		if walkTimer.is_stopped():
			if sprite2Dplayer.frame >= sprite2Dplayer.hframes - 1: 
				sprite2Dplayer.frame = 0 
				sprite2Dplayer.frame += 1 

4.2.2 For our kobold enemy

We previously created an animation, time to refer it and use it in our code

@onready var walkAnimationPlayer = $walkAnimationPlayer

func _ready():"walk")

5. Hurt box and hit box :

Hit box is the aggressive one, since we hit someone vs hurtbox we are hurting meens we took damage and not dealing them.

  • We can had a health variable in both of our enemy and player
  • We create a new scene Area2D, this can detect collision but don't apply physics on it = Hitbox
  • We create on this a node CollisionShape2D = Hitbox
  • We add a timer on it too (set it to 0.5 and oneshot)
  • We save all of this on a new folder called Utility
  • Add a new script
  • Do the same for the HurtBox
  • In hurtbox we create a signal (built-in function) from the Area2D called area_entered
  • In hitbox we create a group named attack
  • We create a new signal named timeout for our timer in hurtbox/hitbox, this will be triggered when our timer is ended, in our case after 0.5 seconds
  • We remove the layer/mask in our parent hitbox/hurtbox (in collision)
  • We add those hurtbox and hitbox to our enemy by dragging .tscn script to our player and enemy scene
    • We rightclick on hurtbox/hitbox imported and rightclick to editable children
    • For our collisiong shape we add a rectangle shape for hurtbox, same for hitbox instead it will be smaller and realy on top of the enemy
    • We add the hurtbox to enemy layer/mask
    • We add the hitbox to player layer/mask
  • We add a hurtbox on our player aswell
    • Set it collision to player
    • We connect the hurt signal (previously created) on player hurtbox

5.1. HitBox :

It will define the hitbox of our player/enemy by adding it to the scene of player or enemy - the hitbox is to deal damage so it's agressive one

@export var damage = 1
@onready var collision = $CollisionShape2D
@onready var disableTimer = $DisableHitBoxTimer

func tempdisable():
	collision.call_deferred("set", "disabled", true)

func _on_disable_hit_box_timer_timeout():
	collision.call_deferred("set", "disabled", false)

5.2. HurtBox :

It will define the hurtbox of our player/enemy by adding it to the scene of player or enemy - the hurtbox is to received the damage

@onready var collision = $CollisionShape2D
@onready var disableTimer = $DisableTimer

signal hurt(damage) 

func _on_area_entered(area):
	if area.is_in_group("attack"):
		if not area.get("damage") == null: 
			match HurtBoxType:
				0: #Cooldown
					collision.call_deferred("set", "disabled", true) 
				1: #HitOnce
				2: #DisableHitBox
					if area.has_method("tempdisable"): 
			var damage = area.damage
			emit_signal("hurt", damage) 

func _on_disable_timer_timeout():
	collision.call_deferred("set", "disabled", false)

6. Create an enemy spawner :

We don't need anymore our child node enemy to be related to our world.

  • Create a 2Dscene node EnemySpawner
  • Add a timer
  • Save this under utility
  • Create a script related to our new scene
  • Create a new script under utility named spawn_info, double click and add extends Resource to it.
  • Go to section 6.1 to generate the code for our spawn_info script
  • In our EnemySpawner node we are now able to increase size of Spawns and add a spawn_info related to it
    • We can set now the time range for our enemy to spawn
    • The type of enemy by dragging the kobold.tscn file to enemy
  • Connect the timer to our enemy spawner by adding a timeout signal
  • Create the relative code to enemy_spawner in 6.2
  • Drag and drop the enemySpawner node (.tscn) in our world

6.1. Create a resource/class Spawn_info :

It will define the class spawn_info and the attribute related to it

extends Resource

class_name Spawn_info

@export var time_start: int
@export var time_end: int
@export var enemy: Resource
@export var enemy_num: int
@export var enemy_spawn_delay: int

var spawn_delay_counter = 0

6.2. Create an enemy spawner :

Create the logic about enemy spawner and the spawn location

@export var spawns : Array[Spawn_info] = []
@onready var player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player")
var time = 0

func _on_timer_timeout():
	time += 1
	var enemy_spawns = spawns
	for i in enemy_spawns:
		if time >= i.time_start and time <= i.time_end:
			if i.spawn_delay_counter <= i.enemy_spawn_delay: 
				i.spawn_delay_counter += 1
				i.spawn_delay_counter = 0 
				var new_enemy = load(str(i.enemy.resource_path))
				var counter = 0
				while counter < i.enemy_num: 
					var enemy_spawn = new_enemy.instantiate() 
					enemy_spawn.global_position = get_random_position() 
					counter += 1 

func get_random_position():
	var vpr = get_viewport_rect().size * randf_range(1.1, 1.4) 
	var top_left = Vector2(player.global_position.x - vpr.x/2, player.global_position.y - vpr.y/2)
	var top_right = Vector2(player.global_position.x + vpr.x/2, player.global_position.y - vpr.y/2)
	var bottom_left = Vector2(player.global_position.x - vpr.x/2, player.global_position.y + vpr.y/2)
	var bottom_right = Vector2(player.global_position.x + vpr.x/2, player.global_position.y + vpr.y/2)
	var pos_side = ["up", "down", "right", "left"].pick_random() 
	var spawn_pos1 = Vector2.ZERO
	var spawn_pos2 = Vector2.ZERO
	match pos_side:
			spawn_pos1 = top_left
			spawn_pos2 = top_right
			spawn_pos1 = bottom_left
			spawn_pos2 = bottom_right
			spawn_pos1 = top_right
			spawn_pos2 = bottom_right
			spawn_pos1 = top_left
			spawn_pos2 = bottom_left
	var x_spawn = randf_range(spawn_pos1.x, spawn_pos2.x)
	var y_spawn = randf_range(spawn_pos1.y, spawn_pos2.y)
	return Vector2(x_spawn, y_spawn)

7. Create an ice spear attack :

We don't need anymore our child node enemy to be related to our world.

  • Create a 2Dscene node Area2D, make the visibility on top-level
  • Save it to a new folder named Attacks
  • Add a CollisionShape to it
  • Add a Sprite2D to it, drag the icespear png to it then shape it
  • Add the Area2D collision layer to enemy since it's an hitbox and will hit the enemy
  • Add it to attack group
  • Add timer node (that will set the time the ice_spear existing in case it miss) :
    • Set One Shot and Autostart to On
    • Set timer to 10sec
  • Add a script to our new scene (7.1)
  • Add audio_stream_player node:
    • add the sound to it
    • auto play
    • pitch is the time the sound to play
  • Create a Node2D to our player named Attacks
    • Add to this a timer named IceSpearTimer 1.5s, access as unique node
      • Add to this a timer named IceAttackSpearTimer 0.075s, access as unique node
  • In player script add new code (7.2) and timeouts functions
  • Create a new node Area 2D to our player named EnemyDetectionArea
    • Make it only Monitoring and not Monitorable
    • Collision has to be set for our enemy (mask/ layer?)
    • Add signals body_entered and body_exited
    • Create a new node CollisionShape
      • Add a big circle shape to it to wrap the whole camera rectangle
  • Since we are doing body entered instead of area entered, we have to add our enemy to layer 3 for detection since we are looking to enemy layer

7.1. Create the ice spear :

It will define how the ice spear works and the variables attached to it

extends Area2D

var level = 1
var health = 1
var speed = 100
var damage = 5
var knock_amount = 100
var attack_area = 1.0

var target = Vector2.ZERO
var angle = Vector2.ZERO

@onready var player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player")

func _ready():
	angle = global_position.direction_to(target)
	rotation = angle.angle() + deg_to_rad(135)
	match level:
			var health = 1
			var speed = 100
			var damage = 5
			var knock_amount = 100
			var attack_area = 1.0

func _physics_process(delta):
	position += angle * speed * delta
func enemy_hit(charge = 1):
	health -= charge
	if health <= 0:
func _on_timer_timeout():

7.2. Add our IceSpear attack logic to our player script :

Create the logic about enemy spawner and the spawn location

var iceSpear = preload("res://Player/Attacks/ice_spear_area_2d.tscn")

@onready var iceSpearTimer = get_node("%IceSpearTimer")
@onready var iceSpearAttackTimer = get_node("%IceSpearAttackTimer")

var icespear_ammo = 0
var icespear_baseammo = 1
var icespear_attackspeed = 1.5
var icespear_level = 1

#enemy related
var enemy_close = []

func _ready():

func attack():
	if icespear_level > 0:
		iceSpearTimer.wait_time = iceSpearAttackTimer
		if iceSpearTimer.is_stopped():

func _on_ice_spear_timer_timeout():
	icespear_ammo += icespear_baseammo

func _on_ice_spear_attack_timer_timeout():
	if icespear_ammo > 0:
		var icespear_attacks = iceSpear.instantiate()
		icespear_attacks.position = position = get_random_target()
		icespear_attacks.level = icespear_level
		icespear_ammo -= 0
		if icespear_ammo > 0:

func get_random_target():
	if enemy_close.size() > 0: 
		return enemy_close.pick_random().global_position
		return Vector2.UP

func _on_enemy_detection_area_area_2d_body_entered(body):
	if not enemy_close.has(body):

func _on_enemy_detection_area_area_2d_body_exited(body):
	if enemy_close.has(body):

8. Enemy Improvements :

We're actually working on hurt_box

  • We can add few code to add knockback effect to our ice_spear so the enemy is knockkback
  • Hurt_box code in 8.1
  • enemy code in 8.2
  • Since we're knocking back our enemy and ice spear don't disapear on first hit because we put to it 2 health, the enemy took the damage 2 times instead of 1. To deal with this change the hurtbox area to HitOnce and do the code associated to it.
  • Add un audio to our enemy to simulate their hit
  • Create a new scene Sprite2D for death_explosion
    • Import the sprite to hit and made hit 4x4 frame in animation
    • Set the z index in ordering to 1 so it displayed on everything
    • Add a snd_explosion audio player to hit
      • Set it to autoplay
    • add an animation player
      • add animation named explode
      • set the time animation to 0.32 sec
      • and the snap to 0.02 (so we got 4x4 frames = 16 * 0.2 = 0.32)
    • Create a new script attached to it 8.4
    • Add a signal on animation finished to queue free
  • refactor the death of the enemy

8.1. Update HurtBox script :

We will add there the logic about knockback and death explosion in hurtbox

func _on_area_entered(area_entering):
		1: #HitOnce
			if hit_once_array.has(area_entering) == false:
				if area_entering.has_signal("remove_from_array"):
					if not area_entering.is_connected("remove_from_array", Callable(self, "remove_from_list")):
						area_entering.connect("remove_from_array", Callable(self, "remove_from_list"))
	var angle = Vector2.ZERO
	var knockback = 1
	if area_entering.get("angle") != null:
		angle = area_entering.angle 
	if area_entering.get("knockback_amount") != null:
		knockback = area_entering.knockback_amount 
	emit_signal("hurt", damage, angle, knockback)

8.2. Update the variable in our IceSpear script :

We're adding the knockback variables and calculating the angle that will be retrieved. We add some sound effect when hit and death too.

@export var knockback_recovery = 3.5 
var knockback = Vector2.ZERO
@onready var walkAnimationPlayer = $walkAnimationPlayer
@onready var snd_hit = $snd_hit
var death_anim = preload("res://enemy/explosion.tscn")

signal remove_from_array(object)

func _ready():
	angle = global_position.direction_to(target) 

func enemy_hit(charge = 1):
	pierce -= charge
	if pierce <= 0: 
		emit_signal("remove_from_array", self) 
func _on_timer_timeout():
	emit_signal("remove_from_array", self) 

8.3. Update our Enemy script :

We're adding the knockback variables and calculating the new movement in case it takes damage

func _physics_process(_delta):
	knockback = knockback.move_toward(Vector2.ZERO, knockback_recovery)
	var direction = global_position.direction_to(player.global_position)
	velocity = direction*movemement_speed
	velocity += knockback

func death():
	emit_signal("remove_from_array", self)
	var enemy_death = death_anim.instantiate()
	enemy_death.scale = Sprite2D.scale
	enemy_death.global_position = global_position
	get_parent().call_deferred("add_child", enemy_death)

func _on_hurt_box_hurt(damage, angle, knockback_amount):
	health -= damage
	knockback = angle * knockback_amount 
	if health <= 0:

8.4. Create our Explosion script :

We're creating an explosion script to handle the enemy death

func _ready():
func _on_animation_player_animation_finished(_anim_name):

9. Create a Tornado attack / hitbox:

We are just creating a new spell / hitbox

  • Create a 2Dscene node Area2D, make the visibility on top-level
  • Save it to folder named Attacks
  • Add a CollisionShape to it
  • Add a Sprite2D to it, drag the tornado png to it then shape it
  • Add the Area2D collision layer to enemy since it's an hitbox and will hit the enemy
  • Add it to attack group
  • Add timer node (that will set the time the tonado existing in case it miss) :
    • Set Autostart to On
    • Set timer to 20sec
    • Create the timeout signal
  • Add a script to our new scene (9.1)
  • In player script add new code (9.2)
    • We will now retrieve the last movement we did
  • Add audio_stream_player node:
    • add the sound to it
    • auto play
    • pitch is the time the sound to play
  • To our node2D Attacks:
    • Add to this a timer named TornadoAttackTimer 0.2s, access as unique node
  • The main change there is we're playing the attack not directly to a target but to where we face last timed
  • The goald is to achieve an attack wich change angle during his life, here we are going in a cone to the faced direction

9.1. Create the tornado script :

It will define how the tornado attack / hitbox works and the variables attached to it

extends Area2D

var level = 1
var pierce = 999
var cast_speed = 0.7
var base_bullet_speed = 20
var final_bullet_speed = 80
var damage = 2
var attack_area = 1.0

var tween_change_direction_time =  3
var tween_change_size_time = 3
var tween_change_bulletspeed_time = 7

var last_movement = Vector2.ZERO
var angle = Vector2.ZERO
var angle_less = Vector2.ZERO
var angle_more = Vector2.ZERO
var target = Vector2.ZERO

signal remove_from_array(object)

@onready var player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player")

func _ready():
	match level:
			pierce = 999
			cast_speed = 2
			base_bullet_speed = 20
			final_bullet_speed = base_bullet_speed * 5
			damage = 2
			attack_area = 1.2
			pierce = 999 
			cast_speed = 2
			base_bullet_speed = 50
			final_bullet_speed = base_bullet_speed * 3
			damage = 2
			attack_area = 1.4
	var move_to_less = Vector2.ZERO
	var move_to_more = Vector2.ZERO
	match last_movement: 
		Vector2.UP, Vector2.DOWN: 
			move_to_less = global_position + Vector2(randf_range(-1, -0.25), last_movement.y) * 500 
			move_to_more = global_position + Vector2(randf_range(0.25, 1), last_movement.y) * 500 
		Vector2.RIGHT, Vector2.LEFT: 
			move_to_less = global_position + Vector2(last_movement.x, randf_range(-1, -0.25)) * 500 
			move_to_more = global_position + Vector2(last_movement.x, randf_range(0.25, 1)) * 500 
		Vector2(1,-1), Vector2(1,1), Vector2(-1,1), Vector2(-1,-1):
			move_to_less = global_position + Vector2(last_movement.x, last_movement.y * randf_range(0,0.75)) * 500
			move_to_more = global_position + Vector2(last_movement.x * randf_range(0,0.75), last_movement.y) * 500
	angle_less = global_position.direction_to(move_to_less)
	angle_more = global_position.direction_to(move_to_more) 
	var initial_tween = create_tween().set_parallel(true)
	initial_tween.tween_property(self, "scale", Vector2(1,1) * attack_area, tween_change_size_time).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUINT).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) 
	initial_tween.tween_property(self, "base_bullet_speed", final_bullet_speed, tween_change_bulletspeed_time).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_SINE).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT)
	var tween = create_tween() 
	var set_angle = randi_range(0, 1) 
	if set_angle == 1:
		angle = angle_less
		tween.tween_property(self, "angle", angle_more, tween_change_direction_time)
		tween.tween_property(self, "angle", angle_less, tween_change_direction_time)
	else :
		angle = angle_more
		tween.tween_property(self, "angle", angle_less, tween_change_direction_time)
		tween.tween_property(self, "angle", angle_more, tween_change_direction_time)

func _physics_process(delta):
	position += angle * base_bullet_speed * delta

func _on_timer_timeout():
	emit_signal("remove_from_array", self)

9.2. Add our Tornado attack logic to our player script :

Create the logic about tornado spell / hitbox, you will see the tornado works without loading

var tornado_level = 1

func attack():
	if tornado_level > 0:
		if tornadoAttackTimer.is_stopped():

func _on_tornado_attack_timer_timeout():
	var tornado_attack = tornado.instantiate()
	tornado_attack.position = position 
	tornado_attack.last_movement = last_movement
	tornado_attack.level = tornado_level
	tornadoAttackTimer.wait_time = tornado_attack.cast_speed * (1-cast_speed)

10. Create a Javelo/Summon/Hitbox:

We are just creating a new summon / hitbox

  • Create a 2Dscene node Area2D, make the visibility on top-level
  • Save it to folder named Attacks
  • Add a CollisionShape to it
  • Add a Sprite2D to it, drag the javellin png to it then shape it
  • Add the Area2D collision layer to enemy since it's an hitbox and will hit the enemy, then disabled it by default
  • Add it to attack group
  • Add 3 timer node () :
    • Reset to initial position
    • Attack delay
    • Salve delay
  • Add a script to our new scene (10.1)
  • In player script add new code (10.2)
    • Create a new node under AttackNode that will be javelinNode
    • We will now retrieve the last movement we did
  • Add audio_stream_player node:
    • add the sound to it
    • auto play
    • pitch is the time the sound to play

10.1. Create the Javellin script :

It will define how the javellin summon / hitbox works and the variables attached to it

extends Area2D

var level = 1
var pierce = 9999
var bullet_speed = 200.0
var base_return_speed = 20
var long_return_speed = 100
var damage = 5
var knockback_amount = 100
var max_enemy_numbers_paths = 3 
var attack_area = 1.0
var salve_attack_delay = 7.0
var next_attack_delay = 3.0
var spawn_delay = 30

var target = Vector2.ZERO
var target_array = []

var angle = Vector2.ZERO
var reset_pos = Vector2.ZERO

var spr_jav_reg = preload("res://Textures/Items/Weapons/javelin_3_new.png")
var spr_jav_attacking = preload("res://Textures/Items/Weapons/javelin_3_new_attack.png")

@onready var player = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("player")
@onready var sprite = $Sprite2D
@onready var collision = $CollisionShape2D
@onready var attackTimer = get_node("%AttackTimer")
@onready var changeDirectionTimer = get_node("%ChangeDirection")
@onready var resetPosTimer = get_node ("%ResetPosTimer")
@onready var snd_attack = $snd_javelin_attack

signal remove_from_array(object)

#Ici on instancie le javelot
func _ready():

func update_javelin():
	level = player.javelin_level
	match level:
			pierce = pierce
			bullet_speed = bullet_speed
			damage = damage
			knockback_amount = knockback_amount
			max_enemy_numbers_paths = max_enemy_numbers_paths
			attack_area = attack_area
			salve_attack_delay = salve_attack_delay
			next_attack_delay = next_attack_delay
			spawn_delay = spawn_delay
			pierce = pierce
			bullet_speed = bullet_speed
			damage = damage
			knockback_amount = knockback_amount
			max_enemy_numbers_paths += 1
			attack_area = attack_area
			salve_attack_delay = salve_attack_delay	
			next_attack_delay = next_attack_delay	
			spawn_delay = spawn_delay
	var tween = create_tween()
	tween.tween_property(self, "scale", Vector2(1, 1) * attack_area, 3).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_CUBIC).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT)
	attackTimer.wait_time = salve_attack_delay
	changeDirectionTimer.wait_time = next_attack_delay

func _physics_process(delta):
	if target_array.size() > 0: 	
		position += angle * bullet_speed * delta
	else: #Sinon on le fait revenir doucement vers le joueur
		var player_angle = global_position.direction_to(reset_pos) 
		var distance_dif = global_position - player.global_position 
		var return_speed = base_return_speed 
		if abs(distance_dif.x) > 500 or abs(distance_dif.y) > 500: 
			return_speed = long_return_speed 
		position += player_angle * return_speed * delta 
		rotation = global_position.direction_to(player.global_position).angle() + deg_to_rad(135) 

func add_enemy_numbers_paths():
	emit_signal("remove_from_array", self) 
	var counter = 0
	while counter < max_enemy_numbers_paths: 
		var new_path = player.get_random_target() 
	target = target_array[0]

func process_path():
	angle = global_position.direction_to(target) 
	var tween = create_tween()
	var new_rotation_degrees = angle.angle() + deg_to_rad(135) 
	tween.tween_property(self, "rotation", new_rotation_degrees, 0.25).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUINT).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT)

func enable_attack(atk = true):
	if atk:
		collision.call_deferred("set", "disabled", false)
		sprite.texture = spr_jav_attacking
		collision.call_deferred("set", "disabled", true)
		sprite.texture = spr_jav_reg

func _on_attack_timer_timeout():

func _on_change_direction_timeout():
	if target_array.size() > 0:
		if target_array.size() > 0: 
			target = target_array[0]
			emit_signal("remove_from_array", self) 

func _on_reset_pos_timer_timeout():
	var choose_direction = randi() % 4
	reset_pos = player.global_position
	match choose_direction:
			reset_pos.x += 50
			reset_pos.x -= 50
			reset_pos.y += 50
			reset_pos.y -= 50

11. Manage experience & GUI :

We are creating experience logic

  • Create a 2Dscene node Area2D, make the visibility on top-level this is for our gems
  • Save it to folder named Objects
  • Add a CollisionShape to it
  • Add a Sprite2D to it, drag the gem png to it then shape it
  • Add the Area2D collision layer to Loot
  • Add it to loot group
  • Add audio node
  • Add a script to our new scene (11.1)
  • In player script add new code (11.2)
    • We will now retrieve the last movement we did
  • Add audio_stream_player node:
  • In our player, we're adding to new Area2D (GrabArea, CollectArea), add them to Loot Mask
    • Create Collision for them, the grab one will give the range of grab, and the collect one the range where we play our collect script
    • Add an area_entered signal for both
    • Create the relative code to experience process
    • Add some UI, use a canvas node
      • Add a Control node to it GUI
        • Set the size 640 * 360 (Layout - Transform)
        • Add a texture bar to it
          • Drag png for our background
          • Drag png for our progress
          • Access as unique name
            • Add a LabelLevel node
              • Import our font to it (control - themes overrides - fonts)
              • Change size 100 * 20 (Layout - Transform)
              • Change the position (Label Alignment)
              • Access as unique name
  • Add the gem spawn to our enemy script (11.3)

11.1. Create the gem script :

It will define how the gem object works and the variables attached to it

extends Area2D

@export var experience = 1 

var green_gem = preload("res://Textures/Items/Gems/Gem_green.png") 
var blue_gem= preload("res://Textures/Items/Gems/Gem_blue.png") 
var red_gem = preload("res://Textures/Items/Gems/Gem_red.png") 

var target = null 
var speed = -0.5 

@onready var sprite = $Sprite2D 
@onready var collision = $CollisionShape2D 
@onready var sound = $snd_collected 

func _ready():
	if experience < 5: 
	elif experience < 25:  
		sprite.texture = blue_gem
		sprite.texture = red_gem  

func _physics_process(delta):
	if target != null: 
		global_position = global_position.move_toward(target.global_position, speed) 
		speed += 2 * delta 

func collect(): 
	sprite.visible = false 
	return experience 

func _on_snd_collected_finished():

11.2. Update the player script:

It will define how to calculate xpp, and retrieve the gem.

var player_experience = 0
var player_experience_level = 1
var player_collected_experience = 0

@onready var expBar =  get_node("%ExperienceBar")
@onready var labelLevel = get_node("%LabelLevel")

func _ready():
	set_expbar(player_experience, calculate_experience_cap()) 

func calculate_experience(gem_exp):
	var exp_required = calculate_experience_cap() 
	player_collected_experience += gem_exp 
	if player_experience + player_collected_experience >= exp_required: 
		player_collected_experience -= exp_required - player_experience 
		player_experience_level += 1 #On level up notre niveau d'expérience
		labelLevel.text = str("Level : ", player_experience_level)
		player_experience = 0
		exp_required = calculate_experience_cap() 
		player_experience += player_collected_experience #On met a jour l'experience de notre joeur
		player_collected_experience = 0
	set_expbar(player_experience, exp_required)
func calculate_experience_cap():
	var exp_cap = player_experience_level
	if player_experience_level < 20:
		exp_cap = player_experience_level * 5 
	elif player_experience_level < 40:
		exp_cap = 95 + (player_experience - 19) * 8 
		exp_cap = 255 + (player_experience - 39) * 12 
	return exp_cap

func set_expbar(set_value = 1, set_max_value = 100):
	expBar.value = set_value
	expBar.max_value = set_max_value

11.3. Update the enemy script :

It will define how the gem will be spawn and the amount of xp for the kobold.

@export var min_experience = 0
@export var max_experience = 5

@onready var lootBase = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("loot")

var exp_gem = preload("res://Object/experience_gem.tscn") 

func death():
	var new_gem = exp_gem.instantiate() 
	new_gem.global_position = global_position 
	new_gem.experience = randi_range(min_experience, max_experience)
	lootBase.call_deferred('add_child', new_gem)


12. Manage GUI leveling:

We are creating leveling logic

  • Add a LevelUp Panel (= transparant background) node to our GUI node in player scene
    • Access as unique node
    • 200 * 250, position 220, 50 (Control - Layout - Transform)
    • Create a new Label node called LabelLevelUp
      • Add our font to it
    • Create a vBoxContainer node (UpgradeOptions)
      • Set it to access as unique node
    • Create a audio stream classic and put the sound level up
    • Set the LevelUP pannel to process - mode = When paused (so it will show when paused)
  • Create a new button scene (12.1)
    • Add background
    • Add some label to it to handle the item name, level and description
    • Add an icon to it with a background to it
    • Add a signal on press that will call our player function selected_upgrade
  • Create the functions in our player (12.2)
    • handle the pause
    • handle the fill of vboxContainer with our neww scene

12.1. Create our new button scene for our option/upgrade :

It will define how the gem object works and the variables attached to it

extends Area2D

@export var experience = 1 

var green_gem = preload("res://Textures/Items/Gems/Gem_green.png") 
var blue_gem= preload("res://Textures/Items/Gems/Gem_blue.png") 
var red_gem = preload("res://Textures/Items/Gems/Gem_red.png") 

var target = null 
var speed = -0.5 

@onready var sprite = $Sprite2D 
@onready var collision = $CollisionShape2D 
@onready var sound = $snd_collected 

func _ready():
	if experience < 5: 
	elif experience < 25:  
		sprite.texture = blue_gem
		sprite.texture = red_gem  

func _physics_process(delta):
	if target != null: 
		global_position = global_position.move_toward(target.global_position, speed) 
		speed += 2 * delta 

func collect(): 
	sprite.visible = false 
	return experience 

func _on_snd_collected_finished():

12.2. Update the player script:

It will define how to handle the level up, tha pause of the game and the gui.

@onready var upgradeOptions = get_node("%UpgradeOption")
@onready var itemOptions = preload("res://Utility/item_option.tscn")


func calculate_experience(gem_exp):
	if player_experience + player_collected_experience >= exp_required: 

func levelup():
	labelLevel.text = str("Level : ", player_experience_level) 
	var tween = levelPanel.create_tween() 
	tween.tween_property(levelPanel, "position", Vector2(220, 50), 0.2).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUINT).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN)
	levelPanel.visible = true 
	var options = 0 
	var optionsmax = 3 
	while options < optionsmax: 
		var option_choice = itemOptions.instantiate() 
		options += 1
	get_tree().paused = true 
func upgrade_character(upgrade):
	var option_children = upgradeOptions.get_children() 
	for i in option_children: 
	levelPanel.visible = false 
	levelPanel.position = Vector2(800, 50) 
	get_tree().paused = false 

13. Manage upgrade of our Player :

We are creating our upgrade logic & database

  • Create a new scene from a basic node2D that will be our upgradeDB
  • Add in project setting autoload the upgradeDB.tscn file, that will make it available everywhere in our project
  • Update our player script

13.1. Create our new button scene for our option/upgrade :

It will define our database to upgrade our player

extends Node

const ICON_PATH = "res://Textures/Items/Upgrades/"
const WEAPON_PATH = "res://Textures/Items/Weapons/"
const UPGRADES = {
	"icespear1": {
		"icon": WEAPON_PATH + "ice_spear.png",
		"displayname": "Ice Spear",
		"details": "A spear of ice is thrown at a random enemy",
		"level": "Level: 1",
		"prerequisite": [],
		"type": "weapon"
	"icespear2": {
		"icon": WEAPON_PATH + "ice_spear.png",
		"displayname": "Ice Spear",
		"details": "An addition Ice Spear is thrown",
		"level": "Level: 2",
		"prerequisite": ["icespear1"],
		"type": "weapon"

13.2. Update the player script:

It will define how to handle the upgrade choice.

func levelup():
	while options < optionsmax: 
		option_choice.item = get_random_item() 

func upgrade_character(upgrade):
	match upgrade:
			icespear_level = 1
			icespear_level = 2
			icespear_level = 3
			icespear_level = 4
			tornado_level = 1
			tornado_level = 2
			tornado_level = 3
			tornado_level = 4
			javelin_level = 1
			javelin_level = 2
			javelin_level = 3
			javelin_level = 4
			player_armor += 1
			player_movement_speed += 20.0
			player_attack_area += 0.10
			player_coldown_reduction += 0.05
			player_additional_attacks += 1
			player_health += 20
			player_health = clamp(player_health, 0, player_max_health)
	var option_children = upgradeOptions.get_children()
	for i in option_children: 
	levelPanel.visible = false 
	levelPanel.position = Vector2(800, 50) 
	get_tree().paused = false 
func get_random_item():
	var dblist = []
	for i in UpgradeDb.UPGRADES:
		if i in collected_upgrades: #Si on a déjà trouvé l'upgrade
		elif i in upgrade_options: #Si l'upgrade est déjà ajouté en option
		elif UpgradeDb.UPGRADES[i]["type"] == "item":
		elif UpgradeDb.UPGRADES[i]["prerequisite"].size() > 0: 
			var to_add = true 
			for u in UpgradeDb.UPGRADES[i]["prerequisite"]: 
				if not u in collected_upgrades: 
					to_add = false 
			if to_add: 
	if dblist.size() > 0: 
		var randomitem = dblist.pick_random() 
		return randomitem 
		return null

14. Create a timer, Health bar, and display the player Upgrade :

We are creating our upgrade logic & database

  • Create a new TextureRect scene (container)
    • Create a new TextureRect node (itemtexture)
  • In our player scene:
    • Add 2 grid container and set their columns to 10

14.1. Create our new Texture upgrade node :

It will define our box for an upgrade to display

extends TextureRect

var upgrade = null

func _ready():
	if upgrade != null:
		$ItemTexture.texture = load(UpgradeDb.UPGRADES[upgrade]["icon"])
		$LabelItemNumber.text = UpgradeDb.UPGRADES[upgrade]["level"]

func update_level(update_upgrade):
	$LabelItemNumber.text = UpgradeDb.UPGRADES[update_upgrade]["level"]

14.2. Update the player script:

Here we will update the health bar and ppannel with our upgrade

@onready var healthBar = get_node("%HealthBar")
@onready var labelTimer = get_node("%LabelTimer")
@onready var collectedWeapons = get_node("%CollectedWeapons")
@onready var collectedUpgrades = get_node("%CollectedUpgrades")
@onready var itemContainer =  preload("res://Player/GUI/item_container.tscn")

func _on_hurt_box_hurt(damage, _angle, _knockback_amount, _amor_penetration, _magic_penetration):
	player_health -= clamp(damage - damage_reduction, 1.0, 999.0)
	healthBar.max_value = player_max_health
	healthBar.value = player_health

func upgrade_character(upgrade):

func adjust_gui_collection(upgrade):
	var get_upgraded_displayname = UpgradeDb.UPGRADES[upgrade]["displayname"] 
	var get_type = UpgradeDb.UPGRADES[upgrade]["type"] 
	if get_type != "item": 
		var get_collected_displaynames = []
		for i in collected_upgrades:
			var new_item = itemContainer.instantiate() 
			new_item.upgrade = upgrade
			match get_type: 
			match get_type: 
					var current_weapons = collectedWeapons.get_children()
					for w in current_weapons: 
						if w.upgrade.substr(0, 3) == upgrade.substr(0, 3) and w.has_method("update_level"):
					var current_upgrades = collectedUpgrades.get_children()
					for u in current_upgrades: 
						if u.upgrade.substr(0, 3) == upgrade.substr(0, 3) and u.has_method("update_level"):

14.3. Update the enemySpawner script:

It will define how the time is pass in our game, and how to spawn the enemy at correct time

var time = 0
@export var pass_time = 0

func _physics_process(delta):
	pass_time += delta

func change_time():
	var time = int(pass_time)
	var m = int(time / 60.0)
	var s = time % 60
	if m < 10:
		m = str(0, m)
	if s < 10:
		s = str(0, s)
	labelTimer.text = str(m, ":", s)

15. Create our game menu, and handle win, lose or quit

We are creating our menu logice

  • Create a new pannel node to handle the death of our player or win
    • Create a label to it to display the message of win or lose
    • Create the sound victory and lose too
    • Create a new button node and set it to a scene
      • Create the signal on button end to go to our menu scene
      • Add the sounds to hit to handle hover and click effect
      • Add a script too (15.1)
  • Create a new node UserInterface that will be our menu
    • Create a colorRect
    • Create a label
    • Import 2 buttons from previous scene and add the code to it (15.2)
  • Update the player script to handle is death or win
  • We then add an audio to our game in the world scene, set it to loop when importing the sound, and set it to always play even when pause (so it play even during levelup)
  • We add a signal to our player script called playerdeath (15.3)
  • Update the player code too
  • We then connect our player node from world scene to our audioplayer thanks to the signal previouslay created and we set the value playing = false (15.3)

15.1. Create our new button class :

It will define our menu buttons and how they works

extends Button

signal click_end()

func _on_mouse_entered():

func _on_pressed():

func _on_snd_click_finished():

15.2. Create our menu scene

That will define our menu scene

extends Control

var level = "res://World/world.tscn"

func _on_btn_play_click_end():
	var _level = get_tree().change_scene_to_file(level)

func _on_btn_exit_click_end():

15.3. Update the player script:

It will define how to handle the death, or win of the player + the sound

signal playerdeath

if player_health <= 0:

func death():
	deathPanel.visible = true
	get_tree().paused = true
	var tween = deathPanel.create_tween()
	tween.tween_property(deathPanel, "position", Vector2(220, 50), 3.0).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUINT).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT)
	var spawner = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("spawner")
	if spawner.time >= 300:
		labelResult.text = "YOU WIN !"
		labelResult.text = "YOU LOSE ..."

func _on_btn_menu_click_end():
	get_tree().paused = false
	var _level = get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://TitleScreen/menu.tscn")

15.4. Main sound script

It will stop the sound when the player his death thanks to a signal

extends AudioStreamPlayer

func _on_player_character_body_2d_playerdeath():
	playing = false

5. General Settings :

  • General/Display/Window :

    • Set viewport (640x360) max (1280x720)
    • Stretch mode canvasitems (zoom out)
  • Input Map/New Action :

    • Add up, down, left and right event
    • On this events, set our keybinds associated to those (match the key /!\ latin or physical keycode depends on which type of keyboard)
  • General/Layer/2DLayer - Physics :

    • Layer1 = World
    • Layer2 = Player
    • Layer3 = Enemy
    • Layer4 = Loot
  • At the top of godot interface you can switch to script or 2D visualization

  • To add a signal/or a group we go to the node pannel at right

6. Lessons :

  • Refer a node, 4 ways :
    • Directly refer it with his name using $name / if we change the name or path we have to change in each area..
    • Using @onready variable and the reference $ / if we change the name or path we have to change it in one area.
    • Using @onready variable with access unique name (get_node("%name")) / long to setup but if we change the path there is nothing to change in our code but it has to be an unique name
    • Using a function to fetch the node get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("sprite_in_group") / powerfull if we don't know the exact name of the node but it long to setup.
  • The Layer and Mask :
    • Layer tell us "I exist on" the following layer(s)
    • Mask tell us "I will collide with items that exist on the following layers"
  • Tween :
    • Thanks to tween we can change a property of a given node given a duration to accomplish this, giving the tween.tween_property(node, property, end_result, duration)
    • We can run multiple tween for the same node, by default they wwill run one after the other but we can run them simultany by setting create_tween().set_parallel(true). We use then .chain() if we want an exception to run not in parallel
    • The _trans define how the tween will comport itself during the duration (here) for a good comportement visualization. By default SINE < CUBIC < QUINT
  • Blue node = 2D, Green one = Graphical User Interface, Red one = 3D
  • The pause mechanics is defined in each of the node in Process Mode, we can change here how the pause will process the node. We can set to inherit all the child so they act like the parent.
  • We can change the default scene in project settings run and set it to our menu pannel for exemple.

7. Review/Missunderstanding :

  • position vs global position
  • Instead of using a timer to make the ice spear remove itself you can instead use a VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D node to detect when the projectile is no longer on screen and then queue_free()
  • Add the range
  • Retrieve the nearest enemy
  • Javelin freeze a little on retrieve real time position of player and mooving
  • Progress bar smooth
  • Review experience scaling

If you want the basics texture go to the REF

Go there for a memo


Create a clone of vampire survivors to learn the basic of 2D programmation in video game.






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