Beta - 0.3.2
Changelog for 0.3.2-beta
Released date : March 10 2019
Concerned issues :
#635 [Interface Bot] New commands for telegram bot, etc
#647 [Web interface] can't add more than one currency at once bug
#655 [Configuration interface] do not display in dev evaluators
#661 HybridTradingMode.json NOT FOUND
#663 [Telegram evaluator] add telegram dispatcher architecture
#664 [SignalEvaluator] create abstract signal evaluator
#665 [Evaluators] add a method to know the type of evaluation carried by the evaluator
#667 [Web interface] add option to apply strategy default config when activating a strategy
#671 [Telegram Interface] Improve readability using message formatting (markdown ?)
#678 [Logs management] do not log errors twice
#681 [Web Interface] improve checkboxes design
#684 [Telegram Interface] telegram.error.BadRequest: Message is too long
#686 [Real Trader] find a way to handle market order fill prices when using ws
#687 [Web Interface] Improve candles & trades graph readability
#691 [OrderManager] KeyError "Error when updating orders"
#694 [TentacleEvolution] Prepare for staggered orders strategy
#697 [StopLoss] {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."} when triggering stop loss
#700 [Web interface] Filter ccxt exchanges: do not display unusable exchanges
#702 [Portfolio display] Portfolio total value not always updated in web and telegram interface
#705 [Interfaces] add default messages when no available data
#711 [Bug] Trade creator: does not systematically respect order rules
#713 [Telegram Interface] /fees command is not responding
#715 [Order Manager] problem with stop losses on real trades
#717 [Real Trader] order fill notification not received (web socket)
New features :
- New Strategy: staggered orders
- Improved web and telegram interfaces user experience
- Added documentation and default settings for evaluators on web interface
- Added telegram commands
- Can now handle telegram signals
Bug fixes :
- Fixed several bugs related to orders management and synchronization
- Fixed a rare portfolio synchronization bug
- The telegram interface now splits long messages
- Fixed web interface bugs
- Fixed telegram /fees command