Handling signals in a docker container
Demo/playground to play with signal handling in docker / kubernetes, additionally along with tmux
or screen
Some apps require a terminal, so it's easiest to run them in a tmux
IMHO tmux
is a bit easier to automate while I used screen
a lot "interactively" (quite a while ago).
docker run -it --rm --name demo drpsychick/signal-demo
# will run and wait for signal
> docker stop demo # in another shell
--> got TERM signal
kubectl apply -f k8s/signal-demo.yml
kubectl logs -f -l app=signal-demo
# will run and wait for signal
> kubectl delete pod -l app=signal-demo # in another shell (k8s will create a new pod)
--> got TERM signal
> kubectl delete -f k8s/signal-demo.yml # in another shell
--> got TERM signal
In interactive mode, the first signal to try is Ctrl-C, it will send an INT signal.
Other signals can be sent through the exec
commands to PID 1 in the pod:
docker exec test kill -HUP 1
kubectl exec deploy/signal-demo-deployment -- kill -USR1 1
You'll see the corresponding messages as defined in the trap commands:
trap 'echo "--> got signal: TERM - shutdown."; tmux kill-server; screen -X kill' TERM
trap 'echo "--> got signal: INT - shutting down..."; tmux send-keys C-c exit C-m; screen -X kill' INT
trap 'echo "--> got signal: USR1 - stopping tmux"; tmux send-keys C-c exit C-m' USR1
trap 'echo "--> got signal: USR2 - stopping screen"; screen -X kill' USR2
trap 'echo "--> got signal: HUP - status report"; ps faxuwww' HUP
trap 'echo "--> got signal: QUIT/ABRT"' QUIT ABRT
docker run --rm --name demo -e EXEC_DEMO=yes drpsychick/signal-demo
When you exec <cmd>
then it takes over the running process and the shell script stops at that point. The command executed will be PID #1.
This can be very useful if you have an app that takes over signal handling and cleanup of children as well.