Browse all of NASA's Astronomy Pictures of the Day, from June 16, 1995 til today!
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Have you ever wondered what the night sky looked like on a certain day? Maybe even today?
Look no further! With this app, you can view the universe through NASA. Browse through their daily astronomy pictures to your heart's content!
Use the date-picker at the top of the screen to choose which date you would like to see NASA's officical astronomy picture of the day and click the Show APOD
button to load the picture or video from that date in history.
This project can be improved by:
[ ] Refactoring the code to account for errors fetching data
- Data security. When uploading code to GitHub, I realized I needed to make sure that important data, like API keys, need to be kept from being uploaded. Therefore, I used NASA's demo API key instead of mine so that anyone can use the hosted version of the app on GitHub Pages without worry.
Danielle Andrews - @DrAcula_codes - daniellerandrews - danielle.andrews.dev@icloud.com
Project Link: https://github.com/DrAcula27/starGazersAPOD
A special thanks to these resources used in the project!