a repo for some beancount tool
based on pandas, inspired by tariochbctools This importer uses the IBKR FlexQuery service to fetch account information in API-style.
default output looks like
2020-03-31 * "VTI" "Dividend VTI"
ISIN: "US9220428588"
per share: "0.27920000"
Incomes:Invest:IB:VTI:USD -10.00 USD
Expensess:Invest:IB:VTI:WTax:USD 1.50 USD
Assets:Invest:IB:USD 8.50 USD
Insallation: make ibkr.py accessible for you python distro for importing. See the ConfigIBKR_example.py for some more guiding
Two importers for Postfinance Giro account and credit card. Since Postfinance (as of 2020) does not offer API-like access, it requires manual download of bank statements in .csv format
Imports CSVs from Finpension (https://app.finpension.ch/documents/transactions) Here you find example configs for 3 funds to set up a working example.
- the ending balance of a report can be ambigoues. I decided to just turn all balances of the last date into balance statements. the wrong ones need to be removed manually. This should not be a big effort, as the wrong ones are detected as such by bean-check/ fava
- the reports only deliver ISIN identifiers, no trackers etc.. The yahoo trackers of most funds are not allowed as currency in beancount syntax. Hence the user needs to make its own valid trackers, and supply a lookup against the according isin to the importer
- Finpension does not support lot tracking, hence no lot bookinig possible
- the csv report contains no information on the account or the pillar (ger: "Säule") 2 or 3a. hence this information must be passed to the interpreter in another way, I decided for a file name convention & regex detection. ugly, but it works
File name convention:
Renaming the transaction export such that the file names contain finpension_SX_PortfolioY
, for example
Commodities.bean example:
; Finpension
1970-01-01 commodity CSIFEM
name: "CSIF (CH) Equity Emerging Markets Blue DB"
asset-class: "stock"
price: "CHF:yahoo/0P0000A2DE.SW"
isin: "CH0017844686"
1970-01-01 commodity CSIFWEXCH
name: "CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Blue - Pension Fund Plus ZB"
asset-class: "stock"
price: "CHF:yahoo/0P0001EDRL.SW"
isin: "CH0429081620"
1970-01-01 commodity CSIFWEXCHSC
name: "CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Small Cap Blue - Pension Fund DB"
asset-class: "stock"
price: "CHF:yahoo/0P0000YXR4.SW"
isin: "CH0214967314"
Config.py example:
from beancount.ingest import extract
from drnukebean.importer import finpension
FINPENSION = finpension.FinPensionImporter(
root_account='Assets:Invest:S2:Finpension:Portfolio1', # "root" Finpens account
deposit_account='Assets:YourBank:Checking', # where from deposits are coming
div_suffix='Div', # suffix for dividend account
interest_suffix='Interest', # suffix for interest income account
pnl_suffix='PnL', # suffix for PnL Account
fees_suffix='Fees', # suffix for fees & commisions
isin_lookup={"CH0017844686": "CSIFEM", # required to link ISIN with bean ticker
"CH0429081620": "CSIFWEXCH",
"CH0214967314": "CSIFWEXCHSC"},
sep=";", # csv file separator
# a regex pattern that allows to distinguish between pillar 2&3 and individual portfolios
# requires the first group to identify the pillar accounts, e.g. S2 or S3a
# and the second group to identify the portfolio subaccount, e.g. Portfolio1
extract.HEADER = '' # remove unnesseccary terminal output
Main.bean: make sure to use "NONE" booking as Finpension does not track lots (see http://furius.ca/beancount/doc/booking) in order to prevent "No matching lot" errors
1970-07-07 open Assets:Invest:S2:Finpension:Portfolio1:CSIFWEXCH "NONE"
1970-07-07 open Assets:Invest:S2:Finpension:Portfolio1:CSIFEM "NONE"
1970-07-07 open Assets:Invest:S2:Finpension:Portfolio1:CSIFWEXCHSC "NONE"
A plugin to distribute singele tansactions over a period of time. I.e. distrbute an end-of-year Investment-account statement over the months of that year. syntax is based on pandas.date_range, so you can use basic time series as provided with https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.date_range.html
use it within your ledger with
plugin "drnukebean.plugins.spreading" "{'liability_acc_base': 'Assets:Receivables:'}"
where the the parameter specifies the stem of the account that wil hold the temporary balance.
For example, distribute a quartely PnL statement over the last 3 months:
2020-12-31 * "MyInvestmentAccount" "PnL"
p_spreading_frequency: "M" ; pd.date_range() flag for 'monthly'
p_spreading_start: "2020-10-01" ; makes October the start month
p_spreading_times: "3" ; tells the plugin to slpit into 3 transactions
Assets:MyInvestmentAccount:CHF 1000 CHF
Income:MyInvestmentAccount:PnL -1000 CHF
2020-12-31 * "MyInvestmentAccount" "PnL"
p_spreading_frequency: "M"
p_spreading_start: "2020-10-01"
p_spreading_times: "3"
Assets:Receivables:MyInvestmentAccount:PnL -1000 CHF
Assets:MyInvestmentAccount:CHF 1000 CHF
2020-10-31 * "MyInvestmentAccount" "PnL"
p_spreading: "split 1000 into 3 chunks, M"
Income:MyInvestmentAccount:PnL -333.33 CHF
Assets:Receivables:MyInvestmentAccount:PnL 333.33 CHF
2020-11-30 * "MyInvestmentAccount" "PnL"
p_spreading: "split 1000 into 3 chunks, M"
Income:MyInvestmentAccount:PnL -333.33 CHF
Assets:Receivables:MyInvestmentAccount:PnL 333.33 CHF
2020-12-31 * "MyInvestmentAccount" "PnL"
p_spreading: "split 1000 into 3 chunks, M"
Income:MyInvestmentAccount:PnL -333.34 CHF
Assets:Receivables:MyInvestmentAccount:PnL 333.34 CHF