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.net framework .net core
Install-Package SqlSugar Install-Package SqlSugarCore

Object Description

We can operate the database through SqlSugarClient or SqlSugarScope, both of which have the same APIs but different modes.

(1) SqlSugarClient: Native Mode to Access the Database

(2) SqlSugarScope: Singleton Mode to Access the Database


High Performance: Its usage is similar to Dapper, Ado, and EF. It cannot be used as a singleton. Each context requires a new object, ensuring ultra-high performance. Improper usage may lead to occasional errors. Create a new object through IOC or db.CopyNew() to avoid using the same object in multiple contexts. Detailed explanation of thread issues when using as a singleton.

Question: Why is creating a new object efficient? Because a new C# object doesn't occupy much memory or CPU until there are over 1 million concurrent requests. The database operations are managed by ADO's connection pool, and .NET ORM's performance far exceeds Java's.


Medium to High Performance: Friendly to beginners, it can solve all thread safety issues except for asynchronous operations while maintaining good performance. Its principle is implemented through AsyncLocal. For asynchronous concurrent operations like Task.WhenAll or when not writing await, use db.CopyNew() to ensure thread safety.

Note: It can only be used as a singleton. Continuously creating new objects is not recommended as it can lead to memory and thread issues. Detailed explanation of these issues.

1. Native Mode: SqlSugarClient

1.1 Complete Example

using SqlSugar;  
// Create a database object (ensure thread safety by creating a new instance each time, similar to EF and Dappper)  
SqlSugarClient Db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig()  
    ConnectionString = "datasource=demo.db",  
    DbType = DbType.Sqlite,  
    IsAutoCloseConnection = true  
db => {  
    db.Aop.OnLogExecuting = (sql, pars) =>  
        // Get the native SQL (recommended for version and above, good performance)  
        Console.WriteLine(UtilMethods.GetNativeSql(sql, pars));  
        // Get the non-parameterized SQL (affects performance, especially for large SQLs with many parameters, use for debugging)  
        // Console.WriteLine(UtilMethods.GetSqlString(DbType.SqlServer, sql, pars))  
    // Note: For multi-tenancy, set as many as you need  
    // db.GetConnection(i).Aop  
// Create a database (not supported by Dameng and Oracle)  
// Create tables (refer to the documentation for migration)  
Db.CodeFirst.InitTables<Student>(); // Supported by all databases  
// Query all records from the table  
var list = Db.Queryable<Student>().ToList();  
// Insert  
Db.Insertable(new Student() { SchoolId = 1, Name = "jack" }).ExecuteCommand();  
// Update  
Db.Updateable(new Student() { Id = 1, SchoolId = 2, Name = "jack2" }).ExecuteCommand();  
// Delete  
Db.Deleteable<Student>().Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand();  
// Entity class that matches the database structure  
public class Student  
    [SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]  
    public int Id { get; set; }  
    public int? SchoolId { get; set; }  
    public string? Name { get; set; }  


1.2 Using IOC in Native Mode

In this section, we will use SqlSugarClient with the Scope dependency injection pattern.

// Register context: You can obtain IOC objects in AOP. If there is an existing framework like Furion, this line can be omitted.

// Register SqlSugar using AddScoped
services.AddScoped<ISqlSugarClient>(s =>
    // Use SqlSugarClient with Scoped
    SqlSugarClient sqlSugar = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig()
        DbType = SqlSugar.DbType.Sqlite,
        ConnectionString = "DataSource=sqlsugar-dev.db",
        IsAutoCloseConnection = true,
    db =>
        // This will be executed for each context
        // Obtain IOC objects without requiring the same context
        // var log = s.GetService<Log>();
        // Obtain IOC objects requiring the same context
        // var appService = s.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
        // var log = appService?.HttpContext?.RequestServices.GetService<Log>();
        db.Aop.OnLogExecuting = (sql, pars) =>
            // Logging or other logic here
    return sqlSugar;
public class MyClass
    private readonly ISqlSugarClient _db;

    public MyClass(ISqlSugarClient db)
        _db = db;

    // Your methods using _db here

This configuration ensures that SqlSugarClient is properly registered and available for dependency injection throughout your application.

2. Singleton Pattern: SqlSugarScope

2.1 Complete Example

SqlSugarScope should be used in singleton mode, with two configuration cycles:

(A) Global Effect

(B) Current Context Effect

using SqlSugar;

// Create database
SqlSugarHelper.Db.DbMaintenance.CreateDatabase(); // Dameng and Oracle do not support database creation

// Create table (refer to migration documentation)
SqlSugarHelper.Db.CodeFirst.InitTables<Student>(); // Supported by all databases

// Query all rows from the table
var list = SqlSugarHelper.Db.Queryable<Student>().ToList();

// Insert
SqlSugarHelper.Db.Insertable(new Student() { SchoolId = 1, Name = "jack" }).ExecuteCommand();

// Update
SqlSugarHelper.Db.Updateable(new Student() { Id = 1, SchoolId = 2, Name = "jack2" }).ExecuteCommand();

// Delete
SqlSugarHelper.Db.Deleteable<Student>().Where(it => it.Id == 1).ExecuteCommand();

public class SqlSugarHelper // Cannot be a generic class
    // Instructions for multi-database usage:
    // For fixed multiple databases, you can pass new SqlSugarScope(List<ConnectionConfig>, db => {}). See the documentation on multi-tenancy.
    // For variable multiple databases, refer to the SaaS sub-database documentation.
    // Use singleton pattern
    public static SqlSugarScope Db = new SqlSugarScope(new ConnectionConfig()
        ConnectionString = "datasource=demo.db", // Connection string
        DbType = DbType.Sqlite, // Database type
        IsAutoCloseConnection = true ,// If not set to true, manual close is required
    db => {
        // (A) Global effect configuration point, generally used for AOP and program startup configurations, effective for all contexts
        // Debugging SQL event, can be removed
        db.Aop.OnLogExecuting = (sql, pars) =>
            // Recommended to get native SQL, performance is OK for version
            Console.WriteLine(UtilMethods.GetNativeSql(sql, pars));

            // Get non-parameterized SQL, affects performance especially with large SQL and many parameters, use for debugging
            // Console.WriteLine(UtilMethods.GetSqlString(DbType.SqlServer, sql, pars))

        // Add multiple configurations below
        // db.Ado.IsDisableMasterSlaveSeparation = true;

        // Note: For multi-tenancy, configure as many as needed
        // db.GetConnection(i).Aop

// Entity class matching the database structure
public class Student
    // Add IsIdentity if data is auto-increment
    // Add IsPrimaryKey if database is primary key
    // Note: Both attributes must be consistent with the database
    [SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsIdentity = true)]
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int? SchoolId { get; set; }
    public string? Name { get; set; }


Verify Singleton Success SqlSugarHelper.Db.HasCode(); // Check if the hash code remains the same after service startup, indicating success For IOC, directly copying the demo ensures verification is not needed.

Setting Timeouts

Setting Timeout Duration

// SQL command timeout
o.CommandTimeOut = 30; // in seconds

// Connection timeout
// Add "Connection Timeout=10" to the connection string for db.Open. The default is 30 seconds, in seconds.

Verifying Connection Success

Returns true if the database connection is successful:

Long Connection Usage (Three Methods)
Long connection within a transaction

long connection

// Transactions can also be used to implement long links
using (db.Ado.OpenAlways()) 
    // For example, temporary tables that are effective for the current session require a long connection; otherwise, they cannot be accessed after creation.

Configuring Minimum Date

It is recommended to use the default setting to avoid errors with multiple database types. However, you can also enforce a custom setting.

db.CurrentConnectionConfig.MoreSettings = new ConnMoreSettings
    DbMinDate = DateTime.MinValue // The default minimum date is 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
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