80 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Update SA1011 to forbid trailing space before the end of a switch case by @bjornhellander in #3674
- Rewrite IOperationWrapper as a wrapper structure around IOperation by @sharwell in #3611
- Update SA1202 to support interfaces (C# 8) and records (C# 9, 10) by @sharwell in #3694
- Update documentation for SA1308 to also mention prefix "t_" by @bjornhellander in #3697
- Update SA1642 and its code fix to handle record structs correctly by @bjornhellander in #3696
- Update dependencies by @sharwell in #3700
- Mark several test classes as partial by @sharwell in #3702
- Add missing test files and fix inheritance by @sharwell in #3703
- Generate and validate derived test classes by @sharwell in #3704
- Update SA1011 to not require space before a range operator by @bjornhellander in #3709
- Update SA1131 to treat methods as constants by @bjornhellander in #3710
- Avoid allocations in CanWrap... methods by @martin-strecker-sonarsource in #3711
- Update SA1648 to accept inheritdoc on members implemented from static abstract/virtual interface members by @bjornhellander in #3715
- Update SA1600 to also handle records by @bjornhellander in #3725
- Update SA1119 to allow parenthesis around a ref ternary conditional expression when it is the left-hand side of an assigment by @bjornhellander in #3737
- Update SA1119 to allow parenthesized switch expressions followed by an invocation by @bjornhellander in #3733
- Add c# 12 test project by @bjornhellander in #3734
- Run tests in parallel jobs by @sharwell in #3740
- Update SA1010 to accept whitespace before collection initializers by @bjornhellander in #3745
- Update SA1513 to not require a blank line if the closing brace is at the end of a collection expression by @bjornhellander in #3746
- Update SA1118 to allow multi-line collection expressions by @bjornhellander in #3749
- Update SA1009 to require a space after the closing parenthesis if it is followed by ++ or -- from a prefix unary expression by @bjornhellander in #3750
- Update SA1008 to allow space before the opening parenthesis of a using alias definition of a tuple type by @bjornhellander in #3748
- Update documentation for SA1102 to contain compilable code examples by @arphox in #3755
- Update SA1008 to not crash if there is no previous token by @bjornhellander in #3741
- Change default value of test property CodeActionValidationMode to SemanticStructure instead of None and update so that tests still pass by @bjornhellander in #3753
- Allow inheritdoc for class constructors with base types by @MartyIX in #3719
- Fix that SA1134 Fix All maybe non-deterministic by @pdelvo in #2853
- Coverage improvements by @bjornhellander in #3675
- Fix SA1131 to not treat "complex" expressions as a literal by @bjornhellander in #3760
New Contributors
- @martin-strecker-sonarsource made their first contribution in #3711
- @arphox made their first contribution in #3755
- @MartyIX made their first contribution in #3719
Full Changelog: 1.2.0-beta.507...1.2.0-beta.556