Releases: Dostoyewski/KTViz
Releases · Dostoyewski/KTViz
Added course angle in KTDraw
- Fixed bug with directory name
Added new file format
- Added zone_leaving_prohibition polygon;
- Added new file format
Fixed some bugs
- Fixed big with color changing;
- Added angle and distance to cursor;
- Renamed limitations file — now it should be named as 'constraints.json'
Updated KTDraw app
What's new
- Added orientation changing;
- Fixed bug with ships disappearing after data update;
- Reformat code in
Stable version with polygons
Added full polygons support. JSON with limitations should be named as "poly-data.json"
Polygons support
Added polygons support to KTViz. May be unstable. File with limitations data should be named as 'poly-data'.
Stable version with full KTDraw app
v1.0 Change velocity plot appearance. Add time in plot_from_files.