This is the socket simple library that makes sockets so simple :)
Trying to make UDP and TCP sockets as easy as possible, without having to care about POSIX sockets, but still giving you access. Creating a socket is done using one function call. Processing incoming connections, packets and errors is done with optionally async callbacks based in a worker thread that is managed for you.
Currently this library is Linux only because the Windows POSIX compatible API is not quite compatible
The there are sosimple::create* functions for every kind of supported socket. During setup of a socket, these functions will throw a socket_error instance. Every socket has an error callback that will be invoked for any issue the underlying API runs into.
Sockets are open as long as your application holds ownership over the instances. Once they destruct, the sockets close. You can retrieve the native socket handle / file descriptor to configure it further if you need to.
TCP listen server use a special ListenSocket type, that has an onAccept callback giving you the ComSocket instances of newly accepted connections
All other sockets are ComSockets and have a onPacket callback as well as a send function. The send function has an endpoint argument for where to
send to, but this argument is not supported for UDP multicast or TCP. Just pass in an empty Endpoint {}
Receiving packets from a TCP stream happens in 4096 byte chunks. If your message is larger, it will call back multiple times and you have to stich the message back together. A protocol embedding message length can be helping in that. Sending is similarly done in 4096 chunks.
Besides a simple socket interface, there's also a hand full of utilities that make your life easier.
Two convenience functions for working with interfaces. One, listInterfaces(), returns a set of strings with all interface names on your system that are IPv4 or IPv6. The other function, fromString(), resolves "lo" to loopback "any" to literal IPv4/IPv6 representations and interface names into the canonical string representation. This can then easily be resolved into a posix compatible byte array with inet_pton(). This is autmatically called for you when you construct an Endpoint instance.
Worker is a single threaded async handler for callbacks. While it might not be best solution for long running tasks on high connection count servers, it gets most jobs done fine.
A callback wrapper that executes a callable when the current context ends, be it normally or exceptionally. Can be used to clean up things that would otherwise linger, similar to a finally block in the try...catch of other languages.
A utility similar in conecpt to an std::optional, where it can an can not have a value, with the major difference, that you can wait for a pending to retrieve a value. Be careful tho, wait() will also release if the pending is about to be destructed.
Simple pollable watchdog class that invokes a callback when tripped. Call check() to test if it timed out, and reset() to reset the timeout.
- If you are using conan+cmake, you can install libsosimple into your local cache with
./ --install
# Add requirement to conanfile as "sosimple/1.0"
# CMakeLists.txt
# for shared libs use `option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON)`
find_package(sosimple REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} sosimple::sosimple)
# for Windows you still have to link Winsock2
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Ws2_32)
- You can also manually install libsosimple on system level
# default build, static library libsosimple.a
# OR shared library
./ --cmake-args="-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON"
# Note: will ask you to install build-essential (or distro equivalent) and python3 + venv if missing
# since the build happens in a python venv, activate
source venv/bin/activate
# install
cd build && sudo make install
# deactivate python venv again
try {
// Creating the worker thread
auto worker = sosimple::Worker::make_thread();
auto finally = sosimple::on_exit{[&](){
// Creating a UDP socket
auto udpSocket = sosimple::createUDPUnicast({"lo", 5000});
std::string msg = "Hello World";
std::vector<uint8_t> payload{ msg.begin(), msg.end() };
if (udpSocket->isOpen()) udpSocket->send(payload, {"lo", 5100});
// Creating a TCP server
auto sockListen = sosimple::createTCPListen({"lo", 6000});
// set up the listen socket to wait for a connection
sosimple::pending<std::shared_ptr<sosimple::ComSocket>> pendingSocket{};
sockListen->onAccept([&](std::shared_ptr<sosimple::ComSocket> connection, sosimple::Endpoint remote) {
std::cout << "Received connection from " << remote << " to local " << connection->getLocalEndpoint() << "\n";
pendingSocket = std::move(connection); //get ownership
// wait for the callbacks to give us a connection
if (!pendingSocket) {
std::cout << "Nobody connected" << std::endl;
// Create a TCP client
auto sockClient = sosimple::createTCPClient({}, {"lo", 6000});
} catch (socckchan::socket_error& error) {
// sosimple::create* functions throw on misconfiguration
// all other errors are retrieve with onSocketError(), including
// connections closing
std::cerr << "Failed to create a socket: " << error.what() << "\n";
- Add an SSL wrapper for easy SSL/TLS connections