This repository contains tools for making web portals and interactive tools used for exploring and visualising single cell RNA data.
- see an example here
- the pipeline can be called with
- this take as input an option file
- option files should be placed in the options folder
- inside this folder there are two examples: one option file for a seurat object (liver_web_portal_options.txt) and on option file for scanpy objects (thymus_web_portal_options.txt)
- the format of the option file:
- line 1 indicates data file: "file_name: ../../data/mydata.RDS"
- line 2 indicates output folder: "output_folder: output_here/my_dear_web_portal"
- line 3 indicates what dimenssionality reduction types to be included: "dr_coordonates: UMAP->X_umap; tSNE->X_tsne; FDG->X_draw_graph_fa;". Each field must end with ";". The dr fields must be in the
slot for seurat objects or indata.obsm[dr_coor]
attribute for scanpy objects. - line 4 indicates meta data fields to include in the portal: "Cell Labels->Annotation->null;Flow gate->sort->null;Sample->fetus->null;Gender->gender->null;". Each field must end with ";". Each field indicate the name of the meta data column followed by "->" followed by name of the field to appear in the data portal (for example you might have a meta data column called "sort.ids" but on the web portal you want it to appear as "Sorting gates") followed by "->" followed by the name color key (csv file found in the resource folder) or set to "null" ir such a color key does not exist for a particular meta data and random colours must be generated instead.
- the output is tar.gz file. Unziping this will generate a folder with lots of contents (the web portal folder)
- if you require password protection go to the folder templates_password_protection and run the Python script This will insert a new password to the template. The password is written to the file password.txt. Keep this for reference.
- copy paste to web portal folder the 4 files from the folder templates_password_protection (if you need password protection) or from folder folder templates_no_password_protection (if you do not need password protection)
- these files are: fetch_category.php, fetch_dr_coordinates.php, fetch_gene_expression.php, index.php
- upload to web server
- see an example here
- this is used to generated an interactive heatmap/dot plot from a seurat object or scanpy object
- takes one argument which is the path of an option files
- there are two examples of option files in the folder options: options_fetal_liver.txt for a seurat object and options_fetal_thymus.txt for a scanpy object
- format of the option file:
- line 1: data file path
- line 2: meta data column by which to assign the identity of cells
- line 3: name of output folder
- line 4: name of interactive html page
- line 5: a short line describing the data which will be included in the interactive page
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: if the vector partitioning the data (i.e. meta data column) is using integer indices (e.g. Louvain clustering which assigns integer identifies to clusters) it is highly recommended to pre-append the tag "Cluster_" to all indices (e.g. "1" and "103" becomes "Cluster_1" and "Cluster_103" respectively). Failure to do so will not raise any errors, but the resulting interactive heatmap/dot plot will have glitches.
- see an example here
- this creates a web portal useful for exploring the results of a trajectory analysis
- this only works on seurat objects, and not on scanpy objects
- seurat.addr full or relative path of the file storing the seurat object or scanpy object
- set.ident meta data column used for partion the data
- cell.types an R character vector listing the cell types to used in the trajectory. White spaces in the names must be replaced with double at sign ("@@").
- root_cell_type name of the cell type to use as root
- full or relative path to the color key (a csv file mapping cell types to colours). To generate your own colour key use color_management.html (see here)
- lineage name that appears in the portal. White spaces must be replaced with double at sign ("@@" instead of " ")
- creates a graphical interface for fast data exploration of gene expression.
- the resulting program also groups genes by expression patterns and allows the user to manually change group assignment
- seurat.addr full or relative path of the file storing the seurat object
- no_clusters number of gene clusters required
- the output is a folder
- copy the script to the outputted folder and then you can run the GUI from a python shell