Welcome to cli-craft, DontEvenTalkToMe's Unofficial Minecraft Clone built for a CLI! It is scripted in Bash!
- Paste this into your terminal,
git clone https://github.com/DontEvenTalkToMe/clicraft
cd clicraft
chmod +x install.sh
- Type in 'clicraft' in your terminal to get started! Have fun!
Note: The game will only work on Linux and specifically those with the bash shell
All feedback, advice, ideas etc are very, VERY welcome! This is my first proper Github Repo and Bash Script and so I am very inexperienced! I am very sorry to those who know bash and see the absolutely hideous, inefficient, over-engineered code I've written!
First cd into the clicraft folder that was created when you cloned this repo,
chmod +x uninstall.sh
Then you can delete the repo folder after moving out of it