This wiki contains materials used by the :doc:`Linux and HPC workshop <tutorials>` held regularly at Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (DCCN). The aim of this workshop is to provide researchers the basic knowledage to use the High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster for data analysis. During the workshop, the wiki is used in combination with lectures and hands-on exercises; nevertheless, contents of the wiki are written in such that they can also be used for self-learning and references.
There are two major sessions in this wiki. :doc:`The Linux basic <docs/linux/index>` consists of the usage of the Linux operating system and an introduction to the Bash scripting language. After following the session, you should be able to create text-based data files in a Linux system, and write a bash script to perform simple data analysis on the file. :doc:`The cluster usage <docs/cluster_howto/index>` focuses on the general approach of running computations on the Torque/Moab cluster. After learning this session, you should be knowing how to distribute data analysis computations to the Torque/Moab cluster at DCCN.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 The HPC environment <docs/index.rst> Linux tutorial <docs/linux/index.rst> BASH tutorial <docs/bash/index.rst> The HPC cluster <docs/cluster_howto/index.rst> The project storage <docs/project_storage/index.rst> Tutorials <docs/tutorials/index.rst>