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Shooting Range System with Weapons Training and High Scores for FiveM! This is a paid script, available on my Tebex.


  • Optimised Code, Resmon of 0~0.02ms. Peaking Whilst Moving the Targets, and Worst Case Reaching 0.06ms if Using DrawText.
  • Fully Configurable Shooting Range System.
  • Configurable Locations which Clear the Range when a Player Enters (Meaning Gabz Ammunation or any other MLO can be used).
  • Configurable Test Types, Display Times, Target Limits, Required Weapons and Rewarded Licenses.
  • Ability for Players to Set Up their Own Custom Games with their Own Weapons.
  • Option to Require a Waiver to use the Range, Saving those Pesky Insurance Claims!
  • License Tests Require an Minimum Shot Accuracy to Pass, and Once Passed, the Player must Complete a Questionnaire to get the License.
  • Leaderboards;
    • Custom Games Leaderboards (for each weapon)
    • Practice Tests Leaderboards
    • License Tests Leaderboards
    • Top 10 Daily, Weekly, Monthly and All Time Leaderboards
    • Players can see their own scores on the Leaderboards
  • Leaderboards are Updated in Real Time, so if you get a New Best Score, it will Show up on the Leaderboards Instantly.
  • 2 Locations Pre-Configured for the Shooting Range, with the Ability to Add More.
  • Discord Logs for New Licenses.

Table of Contents




This script requires the following scripts to be installed:

Depending on your Framework, Inventory and if you use a Targetting system, you will need to have installed either of the following dependencies:

Initial Setup

  • Always use the latest FiveM artifacts (tested on 6683), you can find them here.
  • Download the latest version from your keymaster.
  • Extract the contents of the zip file into your resources folder, into a folder which starts after your framework & duff or;
  • Ensure the script in your server.cfg after your framework & duff.
  • Configure shared/config.lua & server/config.lua to your liking, see Configuration for more information.

Note: This script automatically configures it's Core functions to work with your framework.



Debug Mode
['DebugMode'] = false
  • DebugMode boolean, whether to show debug messages in the console & draw boxes around the target zones.
['Clothes'] = {
  enabled = true,
  ['Male'] = {
    [0] = {prop = 0, texture = 0},
    [1] = {prop = 15, texture = 1}
  ['Female'] = {
    [0] = {prop = 0, texture = 0},
    [1] = {prop = 25, texture = 0}
  • enabled boolean, whether to enable the clothes being changed when entering the range.
  • [GENDER][0] table, the headwear equipped when entering the range.
  • [GENDER][1] table, the eyewear equipped when entering the range.
  • prop integer, the prop ID.
  • texture integer, the texture ID.
['Anims'] = {
  enabled = true,
  ['Male'] = {
    ['1h'] = {dict = 'anim@deathmatch_intros@1hmale', anim = 'intro_male_1h_d_trevor'},
    ['2h'] = {dict = 'anim@deathmatch_intros@2hmale', anim = 'intro_male_2h_b'},
    ['exit'] = {dict = 'switch@franklin@chopshop', anim = 'checkshoe'}
  ['Female'] = {
    ['1h'] = {dict = 'anim@deathmatch_intros@1hfemale', anim = 'intro_female_1h_a'},
    ['2h'] = {dict = 'anim@deathmatch_intros@2hfemale', anim = 'intro_female_2h_a'},
    ['exit'] = {dict = 'switch@franklin@chopshop', anim = 'checkshoe'}
  • enabled boolean, whether to enable the animations when entering the range.
  • [GENDER]['1h'] table, the one-handed animation when entering.
  • [GENDER]['2h'] table, the two-handed animation when entering.
  • [GENDER]['exit'] table, the animation when exiting.
  • dict string, the animation dictionary.
  • anim string, the animation name.
['Countdown'] = {
  enabled = true,
  time = 3,
  colour = {
    count = {r = 255, g = 51, b = 51},
    go = {r = 0, g = 179, b = 60}
  • enabled boolean, whether to enable the countdown when starting a test.
  • time integer, the time in seconds for the countdown.
  • colour['count'] table, the colour of the countdown text.
  • colour['go'] table, the colour of the go text.
['Icons'] = {
  ['Main'] = {
    back = 'fa-solid fa-backward',
    practice = 'fas fa-clipboard-list',
    scoreboard = 'fas fa-trophy',
    customs = 'fas fa-gamepad',
    waiver = 'fas fa-file-signature',
    licensing = 'fas fa-clipboard-check'
  ['Tests'] = {
    main = 'fas fa-bullseye',
    ['Customs'] = {
      weapon = 'fas fa-gun',
      time = 'fas fa-stopwatch',
      limit = 'fas fa-bullseye'
  ['Scoreboard'] = {
    range = 'fas fa-trophy',
    timed = 'fas fa-stopwatch',
    hall_of_fame = 'fas fa-award',
    my_scores = 'fas fa-user'
  • Main table, the icons for the main menu.
  • Tests table, the icons for the tests menu.
  • [Tests]['Customs'] table, the icons for the custom games menu.
  • Scoreboard table, the icons for the scoreboard menu.
  • Any Customs Images Added to shootingrange\images, Need Their Names Added to Images in the Config.
['Images'] = {
  main = 'ammunation_logo',
  ['Targets'] = {
  • main string, the main image header for the range.
  • [Targets] table, the images for the targets.
['Tests'] = {
    time = 1500,
    limit = 10,
    license = false
  }, {
    time = 1000,
    limit = 25,
    license = false
  }, {
    time = 750,
    limit = 40,
    license = false
  }, {
    time = 500,
    limit = 20,
    license = 'weapon'
  • weapon string, the weapon to use for the test.
  • time integer, the time in milliseconds for the test.
  • limit integer, the amount of targets for the test.
  • license string|boolean, the license to give the player if they pass the test.
['Weapons'] = {
  • Weapons table, the weapons allowed for custom games.
['Locations'] = {
    name = 'Downtown',
    coords = vector4(6.04, -1099.95, 29.8, 250.0),
    blip = {
      enabled = true,
      options = {
        name = t('blip.label', {name = 'Downtown'}),
        colours = {
          opacity = 255,
          primary = 1
        display = {
          category = 'activity',
          display = 'all_select'
        style = {
          sprite = 313,
          scale = 0.5,
          short_range = true
    target = `prop_range_target_01`,
    ['Ranges'] = {
      ['Types'] = {
        small = {
          length = 28.2,
          width = 1.0,
          heading = 340.0,
          minZ = 28.8,
          maxZ = 31.6,
          tests = 1
        large = {
          length = 28.2,
          width = 5.0,
          heading = 340.0,
          minZ = 28.8,
          maxZ = 31.6,
          tests = {'all', 2, 3, 4}
      ['Positions'] = {
          center = vector3(13.06, -1082.53, 29.8),
          type = 'small',
          ['Targets'] = {
            vector2(10.968101501465, -1088.18359375),
            vector2(14.069986343384, -1079.6063232422),
            vector2(17.824951171875, -1069.2772216797)
        }, {
          center = vector3(18.228310, -1084.411255, 29.8),
          type = 'large',
          ['Targets'] = {
            vector2(14.726871, -1089.551758),
            vector2(17.828758, -1080.974487),
            vector2(21.583725, -1070.645386),
            vector2(15.666563, -1089.893799),
            vector2(18.768452, -1081.316528),
            vector2(22.523418, -1070.987427),
            vector2(16.606256, -1090.235840),
            vector2(19.708145, -1081.658569),
            vector2(23.463112, -1071.329468),
            vector2(17.545950, -1090.577881),
            vector2(20.647839, -1082.000610),
            vector2(24.402805, -1071.671509)
  • name string, the name of the location.
  • coords vector4, the coordinates of the location.
  • blip.enabled boolean, whether to show a blip for the location.
  • blip.options blip_options, see here for more information.
  • target string, the target prop to use if none selected.
  • [Ranges]['Types'] table, the types of ranges available.
    • length float, the length of the range.
    • width float, the width of the range.
    • heading float, the heading of the range.
    • minZ float, the minimum Z of the range.
    • maxZ float, the maximum Z of the range.
    • tests table|string|integer, the tests available for the range. This can be a string of all or a table of test IDs.
  • [Ranges]['Positions'] table, the positions of the ranges.
    • center vector3, the center of the range.
    • type string, the type of the range.
    • [Targets] table, the positions of the targets.
      • vector2 vector2, the position of the target.

If you are using a locale other than English, you will need to translate the en.lua file, if your locale is not already included.

['Notify'] = function(source, text, type, time)
  local src = source
  local types = {['error'] = 'error', ['success'] = 'success', ['primary'] = 'primary'}
  -- Use the above table to change notify types to suit your notification resource
  local is_server = IsDuplicityVersion() == 1
  if is_server and not src then return end
  -- ServerSide Notification
  if is_server then
    -- local Player = duff.bridge.getplayer(src)
    -- if not Player then return end
    -- Player.showNotification(text)
    TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, text, types[type] or 'primary', time)
    -- ClientSide Notification
    local Core = duff.bridge.getcore()
    -- Core.ShowNotification(text, types[type] or 'primary', time)
    Core.Functions.Notify(text, types[type] or 'primary', time)
  • Notify function, this is used to send notifications to the player. You can use this to send notifications to the player in your own way. Whether that be okok, base QB or ox_lib!
  • types table, this is used to change the notification types to suit your notification resource. The default is set to qb's notification types. To change this, simply change the value of the key to the type of notification you want to send. (ie. for okok, change ['primary'] = 'primary' to ['primary'] = 'info').
['Target'] = {
  enabled = true,
  distance = 1.5,
  icon = 'fas fa-gun'
  • enabled boolean, whether to use a target system or drawtext.
  • distance float, the distance the player has to be within to see the target.
  • icon string, the icon to use for the target. You can find the icons here.


['Answers'] = {
  ['Waiver'] = {1, 3, 4, 2},
  ['License'] = {1, 2, 4, 3, 1}
  • Waiver table, the answers to the waiver questionnaire.
  • License table, the answers to the license questionnaire.
['DiscordLogs'] = {
  enabled = true,
  image = '',
  colour = 65309,
  webhook = ''
  • enabled boolean, whether to log to discord.
  • image string, the image to use for the logs.
  • colour integer, the colour of the embed, you can find the colours here.
  • webhook string, the webhook to send the logs to.
['Fee'] = {
  enabled = true,
  cash = false,
  ['Tests'] = {
    [-1] = 1000,
  • enabled boolean, whether to charge a fee to use the range.
  • cash boolean, whether to charge cash or not.
  • [Tests] integer[], the fees for each test. Where the index is the test ID (defined in Tests), or -1 for custom games.
['Kick'] = {
  message = 'You have been kicked for leaving the range with a weapon.',
  distance = 2.5
  • message string, the message to send to the player when they are kicked.
  • distance float, the distance the player has to be from the range to be kicked.
['Score'] = {
  max_per_hit = 2,
  headshot_multiplier = 2,
  bodyshot_multiplier = {max = 1.25, min = 0.5},
  license_accuracy = 0.85
  • max_per_hit integer, the maximum score per hit.
  • headshot_multiplier integer, the multiplier for headshots.
  • bodyshot_multiplier['max'] float, the maximum multiplier for bodyshots.
  • bodyshot_multiplier['min'] float, the minimum multiplier for bodyshots.
  • license_accuracy float, the minimum accuracy required to pass the license test.
['Licensing'] = true
  • Licensing boolean, whether to allow license tests.
['Waiver'] = true
  • Waiver boolean, whether to require a waiver to use the range.


  • Join my discord and use the relative support channels.
  • Open a ticket and please have your Tebex Transation ID ready 🙂.
