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Sharing clients

Ahmad K. Bawaneh edited this page May 9, 2021 · 3 revisions

Sharing clients

Domino-rest works in both the browser and in a pure JVM, and the same generated rest-client can be used on both sides, so there is no need to generate different clients for the browser and JVM, this also includes Android applications - for android applications please checkout domino-rest-android.

Now assuming you have a GWT application that is split into 3 modules, client, shared, and server, then you can use domino-rest in 3 modes, switching between the different mode is a matter of what/where dependencies are defined and where the service definition interface is defined :

  1. Client only mode -browser-

To define the interface and use the generated rest-client from client code only use the following dependencies in the client module pom.xml

<!-- Lib dependency-->

<!-- Annotation processor dependency-->

also, define the service interface in the client module.

  1. Server only mode -JVM-

To define the interface and use the generated rest-client from server code only use the following dependencies in the server module pom.xml

<!-- Lib dependency-->

<!-- Annotation processor dependency-->

also, define the service interface in the server module.

  1. Same rest client is shared between client and server

To define the interface and use the same generated rest-client from both client module -browser- and server module distribute the dependencies as the following :

  • in the client module pom.xml
<!-- Lib dependency-->
  • in the server module pom.xml
<!-- Lib dependency-->
  • in the shared module pom.xml
<!-- Lib dependency-->

<!-- Annotation processor dependency-->

also, define the service interface in the shared module, and since both client and server depending on the shared module, you can use the same generated client on both modules.