This is news app. It shows and analyzes the most popular news on a specific topic.
This app uses local storage, newsapi and github api.
This project was reviewed by Yandex Praktikum.
- Form submit validation
- Saving data in local storage
- Searching news
- Rendering preloaders and errors
- Rendering news. Opening news in new tab by clicking on newscard
- Rendering more news by clicking on "Show more" button
- Using default image if link is undefined or image can't download
- XSS defence. Using sanitizeHTML function for user input and data that using in markup.
- Showing link to "analytics page" if there are news in local storage
- Calculating all analytics when "See analytics" button was clicked
- Rendering slider with 20 last commits of this project from github. Opening current commit by clicking on slide
- Javascript
- localStorage
- newsapi
- github api
- bem-tools-create
- swiperjs
- webpack
- es lint
- gh pages - deploy
- Multiple pages
- Three build scripts: start, build and deploy
- Babel transpilation
- Hot reload
- JS and CSS hashing
- CSS minification
- Autoprefixer